Truth and Lies

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The Mikaelson compound filled with the sound of the baby's cooing as soon as Klaus and Natalie entered. Hayley ran down like her life was depending on it. It was, She lost all her hope in finding her daughter and her heartbeat just returned when she saw her daughter in the arms of a stranger yet she was safe and secure. Natalie held the baby infront of Hayley, The witch place the child gently in the arms of her mother. Hayley hugged her daughter just like she did in the church but this time she knows no one is gonna take her away from her daughter.

"Is it really you or are my eyes deceiving me?" A voice came from nowhere. Natalie knew whoever it was, they were addressing her so she turned around

"Rebekah..." Her lips couldn't contain her smile, Natalie was ecstatic to see her old friend back in the mansion, They both grinned at each other before engulfing each other with a warm hug

"Dear god, It is you. You are really here" Rebekah started to tear up a bit, Natalie did her best to hush her cries. Klaus and Elijah stood behind quietly as the scene in front of them unfolded.

To say they didn't know what to do was an understatement, Elijah was ashamed of what he did in the past. It was true that he only suggested that it was the only way to protect his family ages ago, But that doesn't make it easy for him to bare the truth. And Klaus, He pretended to unaffected by any of it but the truth was he was the most affected. He lost his daughter for a week, He then came to find out that the woman he believed was dead, The woman he once loved was alive, his mother is again in his life to torment him and all he could do was sigh deeply.

"I swear to god, scare me like that again. I will kill you myself" Rebekah glared at her friend with a small smile still tugged in her lips

"It's okay Bex, Dying in the hands of a Mikaelson wouldn't be my first time anyway" Natalie joked and threw a side glance at Klaus ignoring the questioning look from Rebekah, She saw him stiffen himself with his jaw clenching.

"Anyone care to explain who that is...?" Hayley interrogated as she slowly came to her senses.

"She is one of our old... Friend" Elijah began hesitantly. Natalie shot him a cold look.

"We met her long before we even turned into vampires. She was supposed to be just a rumour and a legend, A Siphoner witch, But here she is. In the flesh" Rebekah very proudly introduced hugging her again, Giving herself a reassurance that her bestfriend is really there.

"And then something... Inevitable happened, I had to leave. But I am back Rebekah, I am here. And I am not gonna anywhere this time" As Natalie gave her affirmation, she heard a sigh from the hybrid. She wasn't sure if it was a sign of annoyance or relief.


The night light fell upon the city of New Orleans sooner that day, Natalie couldn't let herself wander around the mansion without her past haunting her. She knew Rebekah was oblivious of what happened to her all those years ago and she wanted it to stay that way. Natalie stood alone in the balcony, The streets of the city were now quiet and was blanketed with the dull and cold atmosphere. She was hit with a very familiar feeling, Hunger. Her mind unintentionally wandered back to the day when she was in the mansion for the last time, She wished she could forget that day, But no matter how hard she pushed that thoughts behind, It came back rushing.

She remembered her fight with some stupid vampires that day, And then the black out, but that wasn't the hard parts of that memory. She remembered the bedroom she was laying down when her eyes met his. She remembered how she hoped that he was there to tell her how he really thought he had lost her this time, how scared he was that she might be gone. He was going to tell her that he had healed her, refusing to leave her side until she awoke, That he left that room only because Elijah insisted he needed to give her some space. And when he would tell her all that, She wanted to tell him his momentary absence didn't matter, he was always with her, and she loved him for it. But he didn't, He didn't say a word, And that said a lot.

A few tears fell down her eyes without her permission, She subtly wiped them away as her ears caught the sound of footsteps in her direction

"You have been lurking in the shadows since morning Elijah" She knew it was the noble brother without even turning around "Out with it" At that moment, She remained him of his brother so much, The way she  quickly hid her feelings, The way she held her composure, The way her eyes got lost in the city under the moon light. All of it just made him smile but he needed to focus on what why he was there

"Natalie" He tried his best to utter her name without guilt and some what succeeded. "I came here to apologise and I know no matter how much I do, I wouldn't do even the slightest bit justice to what I did. Out of everything I did throughout my lifetime... Telling Niklaus to.. To get rid of you is something I regret till this day" He paused Gathering himself and the right words "I don't expect you to forgive me just because I asked you to. This is me trying to reconcile our relationship... Our friendship" His eyes shone with desperation and need. She started to protest and shake her head, He took her hands into his not letting her go even when she tried "I give you my word, This time, I will not let anything happen to you, Anything at all. Do you trust me?"

'No, Last time I trusted you Mikaelsons, I ended up being dead' That's what she wanted to tell him "Yes.." She ended telling him yes, Elijah felt like a heavy weight has been lifted from his shoulders

"I just have one question...Why? Why are you here? all the time you could have showed up in this city, Why now?"

"I heard the news of the miracle baby, The first Tribrid, I knew it was Nik's and how nature loves to play with loopholes. Like any other witch, I was curious. I wanted to witness it myself. And when I saw Genevieve holding your baby in the cemetery, ready sacrifice and when I knew it was all Esther's doing... I couldn't stop myself Elijah. I couldn't let another innocent child fall in the hands of your mother. I just couldn't. I know Nik won't believe it but I don't have any alternative motives with that child other than saving her from falling into Esther's hands" She finally looked at Elijah, Eye to eye. "If you want me to trust you, The least you can do is do the same for me Elijah, That's all I ask for in return" A moment passed and after thinking about it, Elijah nodded before he left to his room. He can convince his brother to let her stay with them in the morning.

What Elijah didn't know was that his brother heard every word of the conversation and he believed her word. He hated that even after all these years Natalie didn't change, Her instinct to help other, Her way to make people listen, The stand she took when she knew she was doing the right thing, All of it made him trust her.

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