Friendship and Jealousy

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"And that is how queen gets to save the king" Natalie smiles at the month old baby in front of her as she moved the chess piece on the board.

"You are aware of that fact that she is just a month old and does not understand a syllable you speak right?" Elijah asked her moving his knight and taking her pawn in the result.

"I am glad someone else is paying attention to my words thought" She used her bishop take out her knight while she flashed a wide smile to him.

"It is quite hard not to pay attention to you Natalie. Your voice is very calming in the middle of the all this chaos" He politely smiled at her she almost blushed at his words, But someone cleared their throat to get the attention.

"You two look rather cozy" The Hybrid shot a look them both "I hate to break your reunion but Hayley needs you and Hope" He announced and Elijah stood up taking Hope in his arms

"But Eli! We are in the middle of the game" Natalie whined, Elijah looked at her helplessly

"I will take his place if needed" Klaus shrugged making his way towards the seat Elijah was sitting on "I might know a thing or two about chess myself"

"A thing or two he says" Natalie rolled her eyes as Elijah mocked "He loves to see me lose everytime"

"It is not my fault that you were always miserable at this" His lips curled upward in a smirk

"Well, It's a good thing that this time Natalie is playing against you, She is pretty amazing at everything she does brother" Elijah smiled down at the witch while she proudly smiled back.

"We will see about that" Klaus rolled his eyes as he re arranged the pieces. Elijah excused himself from them and Natalie continued arrange her side of chess pieces. "I hope you are making yourself at home sweetheart"

"As a matter of fact I am" Natalie said and then she looked outside avoiding his eyes as he looked at her "It's a beautiful day out there" Niklaus sighed as she talked about the weather of all the things

"Not as beautiful as me though" He striked the joke as he made his first move on the chess board

"And there goes the day" She shook her head but Klaus could see the outline of her smile, He didn't say anything back as he can clearly see she is still adjusting herself and gave her the peace of mind, Natalie mentally appreciated the silence as she concentrated on the game, So did he.

"Let's make a bet, Make this more interesting" Klaus suggested, He needed this, Even though he gave her all the space she needed, This whole month has been nothing but torture to him, Keeping her in arm length, Walking over eggshells, He was sick of it.

"And what would that be?" Natalie questioned, Her eyes focusing on him as she was intrigued by the offer

"I win, Then I get to ask you a question and you have to give me an honest answer"

"And if I win?" Natalie's eyebrows shot up. "I don't care, Because that's never gonna happen" He shrugged and eyed the whole board before making his move again. Their eyes were glued on the board as each one of then took turns.

"If I win, I get to ask you one, and you are entitled to answer it with the same honesty" She announced, Klaus threw a quick glance at her as she used her knight to take his bishop out. Time passed by as they both concentrated on nothing but the game in front of them, Natalie moved her knight forward but Niklaus placed his queen and he grinned at her "Check and mate" It was too easy for him, Almost as if she let him win, But he didn't care as long as he got to ask her

"Niklaus!" Elijah's voice rang throughout the mansion, Natalie and Niklaus made there way down as soon as they heard him.

"What is it? What happened Elijah?" Klaus enquired as he saw the worried look on his brother's and Hayley's face.

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