Lost and found

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"She is gone..." A small whisper escaped Hayley's lips, Tears were forming without her permission, She lost control of her body, Elijah held her steadily in his arms while looking at Klaus

"This... all of this...this is the world that you created, Niklaus." Elijah started to let his rage out, And dispite of Nik's protest, Elijah continued "All of your scheming, the enemies that you have made every single day of your life... what results did you expect? That your child would be born into a happy life? That she would be alive to know her mother? That we could live and thrive as some- as some sort of family?"

"That was your fantasy, brother, not mine!" Klaus yelled back, not in anger but in pain. Elijah lost his niece, Hayley lost her daughter, but Klaus did not just lose his daughter, He lost what he fought for a long time, He lost his hope.

"Where do you think you are going?" Elijah questioned as Klaus walked further towards the altar, Finding the corpse of the redhead witch, Genevieve, He looked around and sighed in relief

"I am going to find my daughter"

"Did you find something?" Klaus questioned his second in command, Marcel, Who didn't have any information on the lost baby mikaelson.

"Its been a week! I thought you said you ruled this city when I wasn't here, You are doing a really miserable job for a King" Klaus spat

"Niklaus... Focus, You are not gonna get anywhere with all the outbursts, We need your head in the game, Not up your ass" Elijah brought them back before they start tearing each other up.

"I am tired of being told what to do" Klaus glared at his brother before walking out of the mansion, He wasn't lying, He was tired of being told what to do, He was tired of just sitting around and waiting for something to happen, for his daughter to show up, But it's been a week and there was no sign of her, It was time to do things his way, He decided.

He went back to the cemetery, Tried to remember every single detail, The face of his new born baby, Her first cry that announced her birth, The smile Hayley had when she held her, He also thought that he might never be able to do that, not able to see his daughter, To watch her grow, To hold her in his arms and tell her all the stories, To tell her there is nothing he wouldn't do for her, To tell her how much she means to him and how much he loves her... But he can't do that, He cannot afford to think he would never see her, Because if he did, he knows that every last bit of his humanity will haunt him for the rest of his immortal life.

There was something new today, He never used his werewolf power there, All he ever did was focus on the sound, Never the scent, But today, He did. He could smell the scent of someone, he was sure it wasn't Hayley, It wasn't Elijah, It was definitely not the dead witches, It was someone else, Someone new yet familiar.

Klaus wasted no time in following the scent, He didn't care to think where it would lead him, what kind of trap it might be. All he knew was that he needs to find his daughter even if it leads him to the pits of hell. He need to stop feeling the pain, The guilt, The suffering and seeing his daughter was the only cure for it. After what felt forever for him, He finally stood in front of a cabin, deep inside the woods, It was almost as if the place was built to be hidden.

His heart stopped when he heard a baby cooing inside, For the first time in weeks he felt it, Hope, He hoped that it would be his daughter, He hoped to just hold her forever and never let her go and he knew he need to be sure before he enters into a fantasy. He gathered all his strength and opened the door and Stepped in without any trouble.

Klaus' face softened at the sight of the baby, His daughter, he was sure of it and nothing was stopping him from rushing to her crib. He examined her, Making sure his daughter was perfectly alright, His fingers creased over her delicate skin, He smiled down at the baby, all of the pain and torment and aching in his heart was gone.
But his happiness short lived

"Step away from her" Before Klaus could turn around a sharp pain shot through his leg. His bones were breaking, He couldn't contain his scream as he fell down helplessly

"Natalie..?" He formed words ignoring the pain when he saw who was behind all this. Seeing the blonde witch stand in front, He thought his own eyes were deceiving him.

"Heya Nik, Miss me?" Natalie smiled before breaking his neck.

Klaus woke up after a while, Still feeling a bit dizzy, He tried to recall what happened. He remembered seeing his daughter, Her mere thought brought a smile to his face but he also remembered the pain and the woman who caused it, Natalie. He was sure that it must be some kind of trick, He was so sure it couldn't have been her and there was only one way to find out.

"Niklaus! Where on earth were you? We all are already worrying about the baby, I don't think we can afford the luxury of worrying about you going off the rails-" Elijah began his lecture as soon as Klaus stepped into the mansion.

"Not now Elijah, I need to be alone" He didn't even bother to read the room before heading to his.

"I am not letting you be 'alone' until you tell me where you were"

"I was in the woods, When you and Marcel were sitting around and 'getting your head in the game' I found my daughter, Now if you will excuse me, I need to find a way to get her back"

"Get her back from who?" Elijah enquired, Klaus hesitated. He looked down at the ground as if he was ashamed to even say her name "I asked you a question, Brother" 

"Natalie..." He mumbled under his breath. Elijah's face was washed with shock, guilt and regret.

"No... It can't be, That has to be a mistake" Elijah stumbled upon his words

"Do you think I don't know that? There is just one way to be sure of it" Nik gave his brother a knowing look, Elijah sighed deeply "I will get the shovel"

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