Chapter 10: Backfired

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Setting: Park Mafia Hideout

Date: 12.20.19

Alain's POV

It's already near Christmas but the war with the Kim Maifa is still going, as long as the boss continues to live the war will never end and that is why it's vital we capture or kill him at all costs. Thankfully, this day could mean the end of the war since the Kim families forces have been losing on all gunfights due to lack of supplies and weaponry. Right now, me and the others are gathered at the briefing room discussing and debating what our next move should be.

"Alright, this is it, the final battle that will determine who wins this war and it's highly important that we prevail or else our clan will be history." Jihyo explained to us while placing her hand on the floor plans of the Kim manor.

"The place is heavily fortified and all of their remaining forces have been gathered there to make a final stand but our spies reported strange phone calls with an anonymous women, here listen." Jihyo said before pulling out a tape recorder, placing it on the table and plays it.

Mr. Kim - Italic | ??? - Bold

"Have all your men gathered back at the manor?"

"Yes, ma'am, all of my remaining forces are present so what should we do next?"

"Await for my arrival at Korea, I will handle the Park Mafia myself and once they are defeated our deal will be complete."

"Very well, I shall wait for you to come here at the manor but I don't know when the Park mafia is going to launch the attack."

"No need to worry Mr. Kim, I will arrive BEFORE they even arrive, goodbye."

The tape recorder stopped playing and we were all confused and disturbed because we have a unknown enemy to deal with and Jennie had no idea that her father was working with this women, in fact, I don't think any of the Kim's men have any clue whatsoever.

"Were we able to decript it?" I asked her and she shakes her head.

"No, it's too complicated for my best specialists to solve. Were pretty much going in blind so I strongly suggest you all are heavily armed and ready for anything. Your all dismissed." Jihyo said as she gathered all of the paperwork before leaving the room and I turn to my girlfriend Jennie.

"Are you certain you have no idea who this women is?" I asked her seriously and she sighs before responding to me "I swear, I don't my father never mentioned her to me or anyone else." and I nod.

"In that case, we could be dealing with a very powerful opponent and who knows what she has in store for us." I commented and we both left the room with everyone else.

"Do you by any chance, have a armory that I could borrow weapons from?" She asked me curiously and I nod.

"Yep, of course, why wouldn't we? But I'm not too sure if Mina-Noona and Sana-Noona would trust you with any type of gun yet." I answered her.

"Why am I not surprised?" She asked sarcastically while shrugging and I chuckled.

"Hey, once again I'm good at convincing others so getting you some weapons shouldn't be a problem for me." I assured to her.

We walked to the armory where Sana and Mina greets me except for Jennie of course since they still don't trust her.

"How can I help you, this time Alain?" Mina asked while wiping down a Winchester shotgun.

"Think you got a MP40, for me?" I asked her.

"Why, of course!" She answered me and Sana went down to the weapon rack to grab a MP40 with 3 extra magazines and puts them down on the desk.

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