134 | signed a treaty

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I signed a treaty with the universethinking it would benefit me

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I signed a treaty
with the universe
thinking it would
benefit me

But all it did was
to push me down
—to tell me that
I'm not good enough—
and I believed it
because I gave out
my name to be destroyed

I signed a treaty with fate
and what could  have been
my destiny
thinking these would
glorify me

But all they did was
to tell me I'm not
meant for anything more
than this and I believed it
because I gave out my all
before I could stand on my own

I signed a treaty with toil
thinking I would be saved
from a lifetime of it

But all it did was
to bury me under stockpiles
of unfinished schemes
and failed hymns
—burn me to the core
because I'm still not empty—
and I took it all in me
because I gave up my pieces
thinking it would fix me

I signed a treaty with death
thinking I wouldn't get past
the age of forty
—all the heartaches,
the loss of connections
that's supposed to save me—
I signed a treaty with death
believing I'd live my best
if I knew my time to be limited
and I'm already at the end
of what's supposed to be
the start of my journey

an adjournment of scars, an endearment of stitchesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя