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To the host of hostsI gather the sandsof wishes I getto fulfill in my lifetime

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To the host of hosts
I gather the sands
of wishes I get
to fulfill in my lifetime

I lost all I hold dear
but I'm still living
in this world so
blistered with toil
and bitterness

To the host of hosts
I blow away the strands
of thread to ride with
the winds of life

I grasp all I never wished for
and all I wished I never
would have to keep
but I still need my breath
and my time in this world
so scathing in its lights
to the point it boils

To the host of hosts
I face the blinds leading
to where I need to be but
I turn away and instead
march towards where
I wanted to be until
it razes my soul
and I fall into hell

I learned a lesson
after I clawed my way
up the Devil's peak
—don't dream of things
or you won't get them
as fate and fairness rarely
hand out wishes to be fulfilled

I learned a lesson
but it's another battle
to be able to accept it
So to the host of hosts
I shed off the skin
I wore for too long
and labor to heal
the scars and bruises
I got for years and years before

I learned a lesson
—don't dream because
it will kill you when
you have to let it go

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