Ch. 6 - The Truth

Start from the beginning

They continued working on their facial sketches, and when they met each other's gaze, neither of them looked away awkwardly. They would hold eye contact and smile before returning to drawing and shading the other person's face.

She was so perfect to draw. Her features were so unique and distinguishable from others, he knew he could pick her out in a crowd in an instant. At this point, he didn't know whether it was because she really was one of a kind, or if he spent so much time staring at her that he'd burned her features into his mind. Either way, she defied categorization.

This time, when the class was dismissed, she didn't dash out the door like she usually did. She stood above him and waited.

This was so new to him. He'd never been on a date before- well, he'd never been on a date by himself before. He just knew Bucky would have been so proud of him right now.

"Did you drive here?" he asked her.

She shook her head. "No, I walked. Why?"

"Well, I brought my motorcycle today-"

"That thing's yours?" Her voice got really high. She sounded worried.

"Yeah, I was thinking we could take it to get something to eat if that's alright."

She gulped. "Oh. Yeah, that's fine."

Taking notice of her hesitance he said, "We can walk if you're uncomfortable with the bike."

She looked up at him, this time with a steady and more confident expression. "I'll be fine."

He didn't say anything more, choosing to believe her. If she thought she was capable, then she was most likely capable.

After standing outside and talking for a little while, she persuaded Steve into getting pizza. Now, the issue was the Harley.

Steve thought about the fact that she would have to wrap her arms around his midriff and press her front against his back in order for her to ride the motorcycle. He took his and her art supplies and put them under the lift-up seat. His heart was beating fast, nervous but also happy about the circumstance as he mounted the bike.

She slung her leg over the seat after he did, getting her feet situated. She then circled her arms around his waist, halting for just a second at his ribs when he tensed from her sudden touch. Her hands settled on the space under and between his pectorals, on the top of his abdomen. He felt her fingers through the shirt he was wearing, smaller than his hands and warm.

He wondered if she was overthinking this as much as he was. They'd never had this much physical contact before. Her stomach to his lower back, her chest on his spine, her inner thighs on the backs of his...

He was taking shallow breaths as he started up the motorcycle. He could barely believe that he was actually going on a date with a girl all by himself. And she was touching him, her arms wrapped tightly around him so she wouldn't fall.

She gave him directions to the place she wanted to go, all the while he was distracted from her body pressed so close to his. He'd never had a woman so very close to him, it stole his attention away.

Miraculously, they both made it safely to this pizza place she was talking about. She got off first, her legs a little shaky from the ride. She balanced out within just a couple of seconds, thankfully. He immediately felt the absence of her body heat on his back.

Steve parked his Harley and ran to open the door for her. She thanked him and then he followed her into the restaurant, hands in his pockets. He was somewhat dreading telling her about his alter ego, and was thinking about how he would tell her.

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