Chapter 34 - Finally, You're Mine

Start from the beginning

She, surprisingly reluctantly, tore herself from the alpha, sniffling as she wiped her cheeks.

"I'm sorry," she said, not meeting her eyes.

"Look at me, Hina." Mitsuki said with both an authoritative yet gentle tone.

Hina peered up, her eyes glazing over again.

"What are ya sorry for ya lil brat?" Mitsuki said with a smile, holding Hina's hand with a firm yet tender touch.

Her lips wobbled, her teeth capturing her bottom one to stop herself from sobbing again. A deep inhale and exhale and she somehow got the courage to speak again.

"They took him to hurt me." She whispered, her damp clumped lashes releasing another lone tear from the corner of her eye. "Because I'm his fated."

Mitsuki's eyes widened, her lips parted from the sudden and unexpected revelation.

With pinched brows of anguish, Hina closed her eyes, not letting any more of the offending liquid to leave them.

"I know, it sounds crazy," A sniffle, her lips frowning in despair. "But I felt him in danger the moment he was taken, and I felt him so angry. God, he was so angry. And when he found out the truth he was so sad, so broken, that doubt started to pile up like a mountain in his stomach and his anxiety was suffocating his chest." Her eyes opened, another tear slipping, as she stared at her balled fists in her lap.

"And it was like he was holding the weight of the world on his back. Like, like... like he couldn't breathe because of all the danger and all the new possibilities because he has a mate now." She rambled, her pools of blue swirling with more doubt, more dolor. "Is it that bad that I'm his mate? I can feel all his emotions every second and he felt such rage after the day he found out, and I don't even know who it was directed at. Because if it was at me I don't think I can face him if he hates-"

A hand grabbed her jaw lightly, forcing her face to look up.

She was met with twin red fires for eyes, the ire and vexation in them apparent.

"Imma stop ya right there." Mitsuki's voice was low, angry yet paradoxically patient. "I get yer gettin' overwhelmed by the empathy link. But don't ya dare doubt my brat's feelings." Her eyes dimmed, the lines of her frown softening till it was only her brows pinched together. "I've never seen that devil spawn as smitten as he was with ya. And don't think I didn't see how he calmed down when ya scented him right in front of my goddamn eyes."

Hina's eyes widened, her cheeks flushing as embarrassment took precedence to all other emotions.

"You- you saw that?"

Mitsuki lips contorted something between a knowing smirk and a teasing grin. "Damn right I saw that. Katsuki has never been that easily quieted, not even as a babe." She crossed her arms, her eyes closed as she continued ranting. "So ya rubbin' your gland on his was obvious the moment I saw him starin' at ya like you were his world."

Hina squeaked, hiding her face in her hands. "I'm sorry."

"Again with yer sorry." Mitsuki reprimanded while patting her head full of obsidian locks. "You got nothin' to apologize for, ya cheeky minx."

A groan of shame and Hina parted her fingers to peek at the female alpha's reaction.

Mitsuki was smiling, her eyes slightly teary as she ruffled Hina's locks messily. Another gesture she recalled Bakugo'd do whenever he wanted to tease.

"For what it's worth, I'm glad you're his mate." She gently peeled Hina's hands from her face and held them tight. "I already told him you're a keeper. He's just bein' the blind idiot he is, denying that he ever had a chance with you."

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