Chapter 33 - Watch Closely

Start from the beginning

However, the crimson ink was covered by metal shackles, the bruises around his wrist making it even harder to see it. He groaned in frustration, letting go of his arm with a thud and closing his eyes with frustration.

His anxiety had gotten better even after he found out Hina was his fated. His doubts of her safety got a bit quieter too. But recently, he was getting a sensation of numbness from her end. And it made him restless. Made him unsure.

He knew this numbness meant one of two things. One she was asleep, unconscious so that she'd only see black behind her eyelids. Or she was purposely shutting down her emotions. And he knew that she wasn't that prone to hiding her emotions in her scent, let alone a direct link, but he still couldn't help but speculate the possibility.

The creak of the metal door in front of him made him tense, his eyes snapping open.

"Enjoying the rest are we, Number Two?" Dabi chuckled.

Bakugo sat straight up and started growling in retaliation. "Fight me like a real alpha you coward!" He snapped without actually trying to get out of his binds. Even if Bakugo was known for his pride, he knew that it was a worthless struggle.

"Wouldn't you want that." The villain only shook his head in amusement with a cunning smirk playing on his lips. "Bring her in."

Two men dressed in black suits dragged in a woman of a petite stature, her head hooded by a black covering and forced her to her knees in front of Bakugo. And as quickly as the two men came they disappeared behind the doors. Dabi only chuckled darkly, his hand clenching the fabric and pulling it away dramatically, like he was Houdini showcasing a magic trick.

Bakugo's eyes widened, his heart dropping to his navel.

Because in front of him was the omega, his mate, he was just thinking of.

In front of him was Hina.

Her hands were out of sight, most probably tied behind her and her ponytail was messed up from the cloth they'd draped over her head. But it was the hooded fear that had Bakugo's alpha instincts, his protective tendency, screaming out loud.

Protect omega! It demanded, hollering in anger and desperation. Must keep her safe, must protect omega!

For once, Bakugo wasn't annoyed by his inner alpha stating the obvious.

But even with the apparent terror in her limbs, she glared at Dabi. "You're going to regret this, Stitch face." She taunted, tilting her head back and forth animatedly.

If they weren't in such a compromising situation, Bakugo might've even snorted out in laughter from her retort.

But the fact Hina was here, he didn't have the heart to find it humorous. Because she was in the same room as the villain who tormented her for months on end. The same villain who promised to hurt her further, to kill her in front of him. Who promised to make his fear-induced vision a reality.

Dabi scoffed, his flames dangerously playing on his fingertips as he strolled behind Hina painstakingly slow.

Bakugo lunged forward, not caring for the chains that bit into his wrists and pulling his arms back painfully. "You touch a hair on her head, and I promise you'll never see the light of day again." He growled, his eyes glowing an even brighter red.

"How cute," Dabi laughed, "But as I said. I want you to feel the same pain as I did." He grabbed her ponytail, pulling her back and hunching over so he could whisper in her ear. "It's nothing personal, little omega."

Hina didn't react. She didn't even flinch.

And that was when Bakugo knew that something was off. Terribly off.

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