Chapter 28 - Fate's Hand

Start from the beginning

"You wanna talk 'bout it?" He asked, his thumb unconsciously rubbing figure eights in between her shoulder blades. "Ya don't havta."

She hiccupped, pulling her face away from his warmth and wiping the streaks of tears off of her cheeks. "It's just..." A whisper, so hesitant, so cautious that she didn't continue until his thumb routinely traced circles on her shoulder. "I'm not sure if stitch face gave me a different alpha command that I don't remember and it triggered only recently, or if my brain just likes creating new nightmares."

"What did he say?"

She shut her eyes, the looming and dark voice in her head matching with her shaky one. "I'm coming for you, omega."

Bakugo clenched his teeth and brought her closer, pressing her within him as he enveloped her in a warm cocoon of his essence once again.

"I- I'm scared, Bakugo." Her voice cracked, the sorrow, the fear, trickling past her lips while her lungs started to heave for air in small tiny bursts. She was hyperventilating again. "I know they're going to come after me, and I know they won't stop. I don't want to go back. I-"

"Oi!" He snapped, startling her. His eyes widened for a second before he closed them, gritting his teeth. He didn't mean to frighten her like that.

"What're ya worrin' for?" He tried again, his tone impossibly softer only to spike up in his triumphant bouts of prideful declarations. "Ya got The Explosion Murder God Dynamight by yer freakin' side! Those shitty bastards got somethin' else goin' for 'em if they think they could hurt ya."

Hina blinked.

Once. Twice. Three times.

And then she spluttered into snorts and giggles.

"The Explosion Murder God Dynamight?" Her voice was brimmed with utter stupefaction, because just how could this force of pure strength and undulatory rage have such an idiotic hero name?! "That's your full hero name!?" She exclaimed, tearing herself from him to watch his expression grimace with chagrin.

"Formerly." He groused, immediately regretting blurting out and ultimately exposing his primary hero name.

She tried to hide her amused smile. She really did. But the childish pout the grown man was sporting was just too endearing to not smile at.

"Who let you walk around with that terrible name?" She asked with a gleam of humor that cleared the dark clouds of her terrors.

"I don't need anyone's permission; I can call myself whatever I want." He grumbled, his brows knitted even closer together. "And it's an amazing name!"

She snickered. "You don't believe that."

"Ya callin' me a liar you shitty woman?"

"Maybe I am, you shitty alpha."

He groaned, flicking her forehead in anger. "Again with the shitty 'maybe'."

She rubbed the center of her forehead, not even bothering to pout from the gesture due to the happiness filling her chest from such a frivolous moment.

"Thank you." She breathed, her sound slightly watery with tears pricking her eyes and pooling at the waterline.

"I didn't do shit." He mumbled, flicking the lone tear as soon as it slipped past her lashes.

She smiled gently, her cheeks and nose and ears dusted with a light blush. "You're too hard on yourself, Pufferfish."

"Ya don't know anything."

A smirk twitched on her lips and the sparkle of mischief was apparent in her dyad sapphires. "Maybe I don't."

"Indecisive brat."

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