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Fan art by Kelsey Biersteker for Future Now

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Fan art by Kelsey Biersteker for Future Now

"I swear Hao saw me," I say.

Roza and I are winding our way back to the penthouse through the bustling city streets. Unlike my trip out, I'm immune to Shanghai's sensory overload of faces, noises, and smells—all I can feel is angry blood pounding in my ears..

"Impossible!" Roza laughs off my concern. "We were completely disguised."

I break my stride, an uncharacteristic display of fury boiling through me. "I don't appreciate being used to fulfill your personal aims under the guise of 'fun day out.' I'm a guest of the Wangs—I'm about to marry their son! I took a big risk to join you today."

I want to tell Roza that I thought she wanted to be my friend, but a wince in my heart stops me.

"I know you did," she loops her arm into mine. "And I'm sorry I wasn't completely honest with you. But I wanted to give you options. To show you that you're not alone."

We walk in silence, our strides synchronized. A breeze rustles a throng of trees growing on a balcony above us. A flit of paranoia flashes through me—what a stupidly public place to betray my true feelings.

"It's funny you say 'their' son," Roza says in a tone that tells me she wants me to inquire further.

"What do you mean?" I relent, too deflated to withstand her manipulations.

"No," she giggles. "I really shouldn't have brought it up. It's just a rumour—"

"Roza!" I'm really starting to tire of this woman. I'm tempted to break into a run when I see the Wang's penthouse rise on the horizon.

"Well, you didn't hear it from me—" Roza pulls me a little closer. "But there have long been whispers about Hao's parentage. Mei Zhen comes from a well-to-do family, yet she and Qiang had a very rushed marriage—unusual for two powerful families coming together. Apparently, just before they married, she had been involved with an idealistic freedom fighter whose values got him killed. The speculation is that Hao is actually that man's baby, and the marriage was arranged to cover up the scandal. I think Qiang is offering you an ersatz heir to marry, with no real intention of letting you or Hao influence the future of Venus or the Wang Corporation."

Roza stops short of the penthouse and stares, gauging my reaction to the news, but I don't give her the satisfaction. "Well, this is where I leave you," she pulls me into a hug. "Think about what we talked about today. And keep it all between us."

"And if I don't?" I ask.

Roza shrugs. "I'm sure the Wangs wouldn't take as kindly to you if they found out about your secret meeting with the Moon Council, but it's your planet's future."


I slip into the penthouse lobby, hurrying past the doorman who is alert but looks confused when he sees me. I'm so caught in my spinning thoughts during the elevator ride that I almost run smack into Hao as I turn the corner toward my room.

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