Chapter 1

43 4 6

TW - Implied Underage Drinking, Swearing

Song Rec~ Saline Solution - Wilbur Soot

Dream POV - 3rd person

It's around 4am and Dream is waking up from an eventful night. Moonlight is illuminating the normally dark home and hungover high school students are groggily walking the halls, trying to figure out the best way to get home without being caught by their parents.

He slowly got up, preparing himself for the headache he'd soon have to deal with and began searching the house for his two best friends, Sapnap and Alex.

Sapnap is a childhood friend that he's known since he was 4, they've always been best friends and tell each other everything. Nick was around 5'10" and had black hair. He often wore a bandana that he said was a fashion statement and they kind of had to come to terms with the fact that it was 'his thing'. He was nice once you got to know him but he puts up a front and people are generally scared of him. Alex (we call him Quackity) on the other hand is, simply put, built different.

They made it a joke to call him an iPad kid all the time because.. let's not talk about that. He always wore a beanie, whether it be his signature LAFD one or a random one he found at a nearby shop and had longish black hair. He was short as shit, 5'8" to 5'9" and never calms down, at parties, he's the person obnoxiously singing along to all the songs while playing absurd drinking games. He's always talking and is the life of the party.

They were all part of the football team and were part of the 'popular group'. Dream enjoyed the attention, it wasn't something he was used to at home so he savoured his school life.

People often saw Dream as the perfect boy with the perfect life, he had friends - many of them - decent grades, and he was always walking around with a smile on his face. People thought he was just perfect and had nothing to worry about, that's why so many people want to be him. But, unfortunately, that's not the case.

Dream may seem perfect to anyone around him, but everything crumbles when he gets home. People assume he goes to parties because he has nothing to worry about, that he's carefree - which he is in most cases - and just wants to mess around with people and have fun. But the real reason he goes is to forget. To forget everything that happens behind closed doors, he needs to drown it out and his way of doing so is by getting high and wasted.

He loved the thrill of sneaking out, breaking the rules. Because he didn't have the best home life, he liked to rebel and do things the wrong way. His problems at home have resulted in him being the head of the 'popular group', where he finds it comforting to get drunk or high to simply forget about his problems. Yes, I know, it sounds horrible, but that's how he copes. He wants to forget. His other friends don't have a problem with it though, they often do it with him.

Anyways, let's get back to what's happening right now.


He had located his 2 best friends and they were finding their way out of the house as someone gripped Dream's forearm, it was his girlfriend. Dream had a new girlfriend every second week because he'd either get bored of them or get caught cheating at a random party. He wasn't necessarily cheating, it was more like a one-time thing. He would hook up with a girl at every party because, well, why not? No feelings attached.

"What were you doing with that girl Jessica tonight!" She whisper-yelled (yes, she yelled in lowercase).

"Why do you care, you think I don't see you cuddling up to Justin." He replied with a sly grin on his face.

"W-well, still! You need to choose, me or her!" She was getting angry at this point, he could almost see the smoke coming out of her ears. She knew the answer she was going to get, yet she still hoped she would get a different one. Maybe she would be the one Dream chose.

"Neither." It was the truth, he didn't care about either of them. He never knew the feeling of love and he couldn't stand seeing people flirting - to be entirely true, he didn't believe love existed - he had a new girlfriend every week and a new hookup every party. He'd either get bored of them or they'd piss him off.

She opened her mouth to say something, but he quickly sped walked out of the home and caught up to Alex and Nick before she could. Once they were out on the street, they saw faint red and blue in the distance. They had done this a million times before so they immediately recognised the source.


They began sprinting through the streets trying to avoid being seen. Luckily, they were all quite strong, and they had done this many times before, so they hopped a fence and sped away.

Welcome to Dream's life.


The sun peeked through the curtains, the luminance leaving a small glow in the big room. Dream, with no excuse to stay in bed, sat up. He groaned as he slowly got up, dreading the day ahead of him. Little did he know what a hell of a day this would be.


This is my first book so the writing won't be the best, please lmk if there are any grammatical errors and I'll fix them up! sorry the chapter was really short, ill try make longer ones in the future

I'll try to leave song recs for every chapter but I might use the same one twice knowing me smh

I'll probably ask questions at the end of chapters in the future, have a nice day/night!

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