Chapter 13: May the Best Play Win [part 1]

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The next day, everyone is excited for the first ever practice that is going to happen. The props team has started to get the lead characters their measurements and ofcourse two of their boy classmates are the ones to get the GoM's measurement while the girls measure Kuroko and Momoi's to avoid unnecessary scenes unless they want a certain flying scissors coming their way and magically gives them ugly haircuts if the said person is still nice but if not,who knows what will happen.

After the measuring the props team began to make the clothes and the other things needed for their play while the lead characters practice their lines but ofcourse it isn't much going smoothly cause sometimes Aomine and Kise forgets their lines and ofcourse these two are like Tom and Jerry,they fight until Murasakibara has to pick them up like kids and separate them.

Those two would never dare to scratch their titan member cause they know it won't end well like what they witness earlier.


Murasakibara,Aomine and Kise were just going back from the school cafeteria when a so called 'blizzard gang' decides to make them their victim and tries to taunt them. Murasakibara is holding back Aomine and Kise using his one hand on top of their heads to stop them from attacking the said gang members cause Akashi ask him to keep them in check since he's the most sane one among the three of them which made Murasakibara happy cause someone just praised him and he doesn't want to let his Captain down.

It was going well until one of his snacks were being stolen,at first he didn't mind until he heard the words 'do you guys know that Kuroko girl? She's so hot,I want to eat her like this-' and before he could finish his sentence, he just notice that he was floating in the air and before the others could react,he was sent flying towards his members like they were bowling ball and pins.

They look up and see Murasakibara hovering them while Aomine and Kise were hugging each other shaking at how scary Murasakibara at that moment and they didn't know what happened afterwards cause their titan friend and playmate is blocking their view and all they could hear is screaming which made them run and fetched Akashi cause they know Murasakibara would never dare to defy him among all of them and ofcourse they don't want the girls to find out cause it's a 'man's business'.

[End of Flashback]

They all manage to practice normally thanks to Kuroko who stopped Akashi before he could sent a threat to them cause she saw him put his hand on his pocket.

[Time Skip]

They keep practicing everyday and eventually they're getting better and better. The ones in charge on making the costume made the lead and supporting characters try on their costumes and as they wait,everyone gathers at the front and a few minutes passed by and each characters comes out and all the audiences can only 'ooh' 'wow' and 'ahhhh' at how each costumes suites the characters and it fits them well and slowly the lead characters shows up and ofcourse the crowd went wild at what they're wearing until finally,Akashi came out and everyone was speechless at how he looks like Pharaoh Atem except the fact that his skin is fair unlike the real Pharaoh Atem whose skin is sun-kissed. They decide to tone his skin alittle to atleast match the Pharaoh's skin color. The most awaited person comes out and some even faint while the others blushed hard when Kuroko came out and she looked like a goddess that descend down to earth with her sky blue hair and eyes, snow-kissed skin and white colored flowing dress that could pass as clouds.

All the characters especially the lead characters looks breath taking but what more if the real play starts. They are sure they are gonna nailed it.

[Day of the Play]

The whole Auditorium is filled with people and is watching a total of ten plays and each plays are those who are already known and just put some twists on it like Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and The Beast, Little Mermaid, Aladin, Pocahontas, Rapunzel, Alice in Wonderland and after some time,it was the Class A's time to perform and the audience were curious what play they are planning.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,this is the story of Millennium Heart. Long time ago in the land of Cairo Egypt. Everyone is busy preparing for the party. This is not just a simple party for it's a party to which the new ruler of Egypt will choose his potential queen as instructed by the previous Pharaoh and his Queen which is the father and mother of Pharaoh Atem." the Narrator said and Akashi whose dressed as Pharaoh Atem (Akashi) comes out wearing a cream top and skirt up until his knees, gold flat shoes,sapphire blue cape,gold shoes, armlets, wristbands and anklets. His golden Eye of Ra crown is resting on his forehead and is supporting his golden lightning bolts bangs,his black tresses up with some golden lightning bangs resting on it while the tip of his spiky hair is the same color of his eyes. His sun-kissed skin is perfectly matches what he's currently wearing and last but not the least,the millennium puzzle is resting on his chest that only the current ruler of Egypt can wear.

Pharaoh Atem sits on his throne as he begins his work for today along with his cousin High Priest Seth (Aomine) whose wearing a blue top hat with golden cobra on the middle hiding his short brown hair and some gold plates beside his ears, golden collar and corners of his sleeveless blue top, cream colored long skirt that reaches his ankles,golden shoes, armbands and wristbands,white cape and is the owner of Millennium Rod.

Royal Adviser Magician High Priest Mahad (Midorima), whose wearing a golden edgy circlet on top of his cream  colored hood hiding his shoulder length brown hair,golden collar with golden edge of his cream top,long skirt,golden anklets,armbands and wristbands. He is the owner of Millennium Ring.

High Priest Karim (Murasakibara), whose wearing a golden circlet around his shoulder length black hair, golden collar and armbands with a touch of blue thick stripe in the middle. His upper body  was covered with a cream strap not completely covering his well toned body,a blue belt holding his skirt and golden shoes. He is the owner of Millennium Scale.

High Priest Shada (Nijimura), who is bald and has black tattoo on the middle of it that acts like a circlet,cream colored cape,top and ankle length skirt, golden armbands,wristbands and shoes.He is the owner of the Millennium Key.

High Priestess Isis whose hiding her hair using a cream hood with a golden falcon decorating it's front,cream colored capelet,sleeveless cream colored dress up until her knees, the collar of her dress is covered with gold and a blue jewel in the middle, with golden armbands, wristbands with a thick touch of blue stripe,anklets,belt and shoes. She is the only female High Priestess and is the owner of Millennium Necklace. 

Lastly is High Priest Aknadin who is High Priest Seth's father,Pharaoh Atem's uncle and younger brother of the previous Pharaoh Aknamkannon. He is wearing a hooded cream colored robe with long sleeves and reaches up until his knees with golden shoes. His left eye is replaced with one of the Seven Millennium items called Millennium Eye.

Only the Pharaoh and his High Priests has a special golden bracelet called Dia Dhank (modernly known as the inspiration behind the duel disk) which help them summon the Ka Monsters (duel monsters) and seals the bad Ka Monsters on stone slabs (in modern time the monsters in the Yugioh cards).

Pharaoh Atem sighs as he begins his duties for that day as his High Priests could only look at him in pity cause he is forced to look for the next queen cause Pharaoh Atem's parents wants to have their grandchildren for as they quote it 'were not getting any younger'.

Happy New Year everyone sorry for the late update,I've been busy the whole December that's why I couldn't update but I promise to update as much as I could and if I have new inspirations. Thank you for all who read,vote,add this story to their libraries and comments. I really appreciate them. Please stay safe everyone cause omicron virus is airborne. Till next update guys.

Aknadin here will be a good guy through the whole story unlike in the real one where he was possessed :)

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