Chapter 7: Visiting Akashi Manor (part 2)

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After Seijuro feed, make her drink med and let Kuroko rest again, Seijuro went down to join his parents for dinner.

"So Sei, have you ever thought on how you could gain her feelings?" Shiori asks her son as she wanted Seijuro to win Amaya as much as possible and aside from that she wanted to see her grandchildren at an early age since she's getting old.

"I did mother,right now I'm taking it easy cause I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable and make her feel like I'm forcing her,I can't do that,I love her too much"

Seijuro replied making Masaomi cry in happiness as Seijuro and Shiori sweat drops at how the real Masaomi acts that if you work for him and see him like this,you won't believe he's the same person as the feared boss of Akashi Corporation, the top leading corporation in the world.

"How about her grades hmm? Is she good?" Masaomi suddenly asks. It's not like he is judging Kuroko it's just that he wanted to make sure that this beautiful girl his son likes is decent and isn't a bad influence on Seijuro.

He knew he could trust the girl since he changed Seijuro for the better. He used to be a cold person who always fake his smile. He knows he's one of the two main reason why he's like that but don't get him wrong,he just want to prepare his son for he will inherit the business he and Shiori built for so long, the other main reason is that his so called 'friends' before is just using him cause of his fame and money that made him cold and now,he saw his son's beautiful smile again ever since he enter Teiko's basketball team and meeting Kuroko made his son change for the best version of him.

"Her grades? She's stuck in the first place with me even though this is the first time she ever entered a school since she is mostly homeschooled since childhood" Seijuro replied his father which make his parents shock and amaze at not only the girl has looks but she also has great personality and brains.

[Time Skip: The Next Day]

It was Saturday, ten o'clock in the morning and Seijuro along with his parents just finish eating breakfast when one of their butlers named Gakuto went over to them and said "Young Master, there is some people outside whose hair colors are green, yellow, blue, pink and purple outside saying they are your basketball teammates and that they want to visit Mistress Kuroko".

"ah yes they are my teammates alright, bring them in and lead them here" Seijuro replied as he dismissed Gakuto and let him fetch his teammates as his mother and father becomes interested to see colorful people come inside their mansion and to meet them all who accepted their son for who he is and not for his fame or wealth.

A few seconds later, tall handsome men and a beautiful lady enter the field of their vision and all bow down to them.

"Sorry for the interuption, were just here to visit our Coach, if it's alright with you Mr. And Mrs. Akashi" the bespectacled teen with forest green hair and emerald eyes which he introduce himself as Midorima Shintaro asks them.

"ofcourse you guys can, Seijuro dear please lead them to where Kuroko-chan is resting" Shiori told them as Masaomi just nods as the kids began to excuse themselves but not after handing them a box of cake which made the couple shock cause this is the first time someone did it to them and they couldn't help but feel happy that Seijuro found the friends that he longs for, they can see it that these people will have each others back.

Meanwhile while the Akashi couple enjoys their leisure time, Seijuro and the others arrived at where Kuroko is resting and when Seijuro opens the door, he saw that Kuroko is awake and is looking outside the windows that is opened so she could have some fresh air.

"Coach, were here to visit you" Murasakibara said as he eat his snack to announce their presence.

"Aya-chan, I hope you're fine now" Momoi said as she makes sure to make her arm bump into Aomine making the said person blush and keeps himself closer to Momoi making Momoi blush herself.

"Coach,we bought you some cake,it's not like I care but I wish you get well fast nanodayo" Midorima said as he is in his usual tsundere mode.

"Coach, I'm so worried about you and I'm glad to see you-ssu!" Kise said as he's about to glomp Kuroko but is stopped by Aomine.

"Kise you idiot you don't jump like that can't you see she's still sick? Have conscience you dork!" Aomine said as he smack Kise's back earning a groan of pain from the said person.

"Enough, we have a sick person here so behave yourselves or I'll-" Seijuro said but before he can finish his sentence, they heard a beautiful soft laughing voice and they were all mesmerized when they saw Kuroko laugh and smiles as well at how fragile yet strong their beautiful coach is and they're lucky to see her smile.

"You guys are so cute, sorry for worrying you all and thank you for visiting me here,I'm feeling much better now and I'm recovering fast thanks to Kazuha-san,Akashi-kun and his parents. I hope by Monday I am well recovered since the intrams are coming up soon" Kuroko said as she lays still not to aggregate her fever so she could recover fast. She is touched at how her teammates cares and loves her but still oblivious that some people minus Murasakibara, Aomine and Momoi has feelings for her romantically.

After they bond and have a mini tour around Akashi Manor and have picnic on the huge garden of the Akashi's then after that they use this time to practice at the court in the middle of the garden while Momoi looks after Kuroko.

It was sunset when they decide to leave and say goodbye to Kuroko, Seijuro and Akashi's parents. They decided to pass by the shrine and wish for Kuroko's fast recovery and for them to win the intrams before they separate ways.

[Bonus Scene]

Aomine and Momoi were now heading home when Aomine suddenly told Momoi to go with him to the park.

"Dai-chan, what is it?" Momoi asks as she looks at her childhood friend.

"Satsuki, there's something I wanna tell you that I've been keeping for so long cause I just realize it recently.... Satsuki I...I love you, will you be my girlfriend?!" Aomine said before he bow as he waited for Momoi to answer his confession and he thought he was rejected until Momoi cupped his face and kiss his lips making him kiss back and hug her waist. He knew that kiss is the answer and on that day, Momoi is now his girlfriend.


Thank you to all who read and vote, see you guys on the next update :)

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