"Rhys." I scold and he shook his head, leaning down and capturing my lips against his again, I smiled but pulled the shirt harder from him when his grip on it weakened mid kiss.

I stood up, yawning lightly as I got to my feet and put the shirt back on, flicking my hair up in triumph that I'd actually got the shirt out his grip.

"You can shower first, I need to mentally prepare myself for today."


"I think im gonna be sick." I murmured as we went over a bump. "Actually I think im gonna throw up, but im hungry so what the hell?"

"You sound pregnant."

I almost choked on air itself. "So sorry to disappoint but my IUD has been working its magic Blackburn."

He hums, "How unfortunate, i'd love to have tinier idiots who are just like you." He says dryly and even if its a joke I glared at him and he rolled his eyes with a small smirk.

"You're way too nervous, drink water or sleep."

"Thanks doc."

He didn't respond and I laid my head on the center console. "I think its funny."

"What is?"

"That im so scared, I meet people everyday, hell I talk to like everyone."

"True and you need to stop doing that." He says, sending me a look of scorning.

"Why would I stop?" I ask him curiously.

"Serial killers exist."

"Oh hush." I mumbled out, playing with my bracelets and he shook his head at me.

"I think im being stupid."

"Yes but no."

I rolled my eyes as the car came to a stop and I screeched with it. "We're here already?"

"No, just gas idiot, stop worrying."

"You called me an idiot, twice." I grumble out and he kissed my cheek, moving my hair out my face before he got out the car.

I laid there and waited for him, but as I did, I thought back to last night and I blinked.

I love you.

Goodness, my cheeks flared and I pressed my thighs together to stop the ache for him. Even if we were dating memories of what we'd done last night brought heat to my body and veins, leaving me breathless, every single time, as if it was the very first time all over again.

Before we fell asleep early in the morning he told me he loved me again, tracing the exact outline of my birth mark without even so much as looking at it, I didn't reply even after he kissed my cheek.

I swallowed hard now, closing my eyes for a few seconds before the car door opened and he dropped a can of strawberry juice on my lap and I smiled at it

I loved anything that had strawberries in it. And he knew it, he told me he knew it.

"Thank you." I love you. I think but don't say it.

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