"Kabuto, he doesn't know. That's why I need to go to him. To explain what's happened." Elizabeth said.

"Then what? What do you suppose he'll do."

"I don't know. But I do know your coming with me."

"I cannot believe you dragged me here." Kabuto said walking into the village gates. "Last time I was here it was the damn chunine exams."

"Too bad. I'll lead you to my place where sasuke most likely is. If not I alone will head to his house." Elizabeth instructed.

"Elizabeth!!" Cried a vaguely familiar voice. Next thing kabuto saw was a blonde weirdo tackling elizabeth in a giant hug.

"Naruto get off me!" Elizabeth said hauling the boy off her.

Back to me.

Why am I always tackled by this kid? I thought as I held naruto back from attacking kabuto. "What're you doing here!!" The blonde demanded.

"Calm the fuck down naruto. He's with me." I said.

Naruto stepped back. "What?!"

"I'll explain it later for now though we need to get to my place." I told him.

"Gah! Fine." Naruto growled. He crossed his arms and we three walked to my house to see sasuke talking to my mom, zethira, and alvrea.

"Sasuke do not attack him!" I told him sternly as we entered the living room. "I can explain everything."

Sasuke looked so angry I thought he might just storm out but held his temper.

"First off, mom, zethira, alvrea, this is kabuto. Kabuto that's zethira, my mother dawn, and alvrea." I pointed to everyone. They all waved.

"Sup." Zethira said angrily.

"Greetings." Alvrea said to kabuto politely.

"Um, hi." My mom said shocked.

"Sasuke, I need to speak with you and kabuto alone." I said to them. The three of us walked over to the kitchen, joined by alvrea.

"What's he doing here." Sasuke asked angrily.

"Look sasuke the reason kabuto and I were making out that day was because we both were being manipulated." Kabuto and I showed our matching marks. "We don't know anything yet but that's what caused our actions. We weren't controlling ourselves and couldn't do anything to stop it."

I expected sasuke to calm down but he did the exact opposite. He came up to kabuto and pushed him almost knocking the medical ninja over. Kabuto and sasuke were about to slit each others throats if I hadn't stopped them.

"Stop it both of you!" I snapped as I came between them, my palms at their chests to stop them from lunging at each other. "Act your age!"

"He hit you and your taking his side?" Kabuto asked me questioningly.

"Your the one who fucking kissed her in the first place!" Sasuke snapped.

"I was being manipulated by someone completely different from me!" Kabuto retorted showing the mark on his hand. "I wouldn't make out with elizabeth if I had a blade to my throat!"

Yeah you would, you'd just take something to forget it afterwards. I corrected.

my heaven: a naruto fantasy: 3 years later- a new problemWhere stories live. Discover now