"You know, I was enjoying her until you came in," Sean said snarkily. "If you'd given us a few more minutes, I would be in your place."

Owen released my neck to speak. "She was uneasy and overwhelmed because our connection wasn't strong enough. Her wolf would have bonded to every member of the pack to strengthen our bond if she hadn't bit me. I'm not sure she would have been happy about it, and some of our pack wouldn't have been either."

"I suppose you're right," Sean sighed dramatically. "Are you going to take care of things here? She doesn't seem to be willing to let you go?"

Owen stiffened. "I don't think that's a good idea."

My eyes met Sean's over the Alpha's shoulder. Owen lifted up like he was pulling away from me. My legs wrapped around his waist and pulled him closer. One of his hands cupped my bottom, and he pushed off the floor with his other hand. He was sitting on his heels, and I was in his lap. His hard body pressed against mine. Low in my belly, there was a fluttering. I shifted, pulling my teeth out of his neck and licking my bite. His hand tightened on my bottom.

"Sang," his voice deepened into a growl. "You aren't ready for that, sweetheart."

Sean choked on a laugh. "Are you sure? She looks ready."

Owen pulled back to look at my face with his brow raised. "Are you ready for sex, Sang?"

My mouth popped open, and I released him, tumbling back to the floor and landing on my back. With heated cheeks, I looked anywhere but at him. The audacity to come right out and ask that. I've read a few anatomy books and a couple of romance novels, but I was nowhere near being ready for that. Google was very informative, though. Maybe I'd be able to do some research later.

"I'll take that as a no." Owen's lips tipped up into his millimeter smile.

I scrambled up off the floor and darted out of the room, only to trip over a laughing Raven who was laying on the floor for some reason and slammed straight into a bright red Corey. The tall blond's hands went to my hips. The blush on his cheeks deepened, and he quickly released me. Strong hands wrapped around my waist, hauling me against a laughing body.

"Malen'kiy volk, you're quite handy today." Raven rumbled with laughter.

Corey corrected him almost immediately, "handsy."

The rest of the pack members all stared at us. A few of them were blushing, but most were laughing. I wanted to crawl into a hole. Instead, I wiggled out of Raven's arms and hid behind Axel. He was the only nice one. He'd just kept eating his dinner like this was an everyday occurrence.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, everyone went back to their dinner. After that were homework and assignments. Axel and Owen dished out assignments to those who weren't busy with homework. Then they disappeared to another room to do whatever they did. Soon I was left alone in the living room. I pulled out my phone and decided to do some research.

An hour later and I'm not sure that I'd ever been so red in my life. The things that I've read and seen will be forever burned into my mind. The video I was watching had a woman bent nearly into a pretzel with a man who seemed to be trying to imitate a jackhammer. I was kind of impressed but also a little nauseous.

My phone was yanked from my hand rather suddenly. "Oh shit!" Gabriel tossed my phone across the room with a squeal. His hands patted across my face like he wasn't sure what he should cover, my eyes or my ears. I batted at his hands.

"Dr. Green! Owen!" He sounded like he was being murdered.

Gabriel stilled had me pinned when three sets of footsteps rushed into the room. Sean burst into laughter while Gabriel was hauled away from me. I looked up to see Sean leaning on the wall as he held my phone to his chest, cackling. Owen stood at the foot of the couch; his cheeks were tinged pink. He looked a little lost. Tipping my head back, I saw Axel holding Gabriel by the collar of his shirt. He gave me a smoldering look that made me squirm.

"This is your fault, Owen," Sean managed to say between bouts of laughter.

Owen pinched the bridge of his nose. "Sang, what were you doing?"

A squeak left my lips. "I, uh, I was doing research."

Sean scrolled through my phone, "good job using some of the more educational websites. However, I'm not sure pornography is very reputable."

I groaned and covered my face. They weren't meant to know that I was looking anything up. Although, the living room probably wasn't the most inconspicuous place to be. I hadn't expected Gabriel to be the one to find me, though.

"Did you take any sexual education classes?" Owen asked with a steady voice.

"My parents wouldn't sign off on it. I've read some anatomy books, but those didn't explain a whole lot." I shrugged my shoulders. "Am I in trouble?"

A heavy hand dropped on the top of my head, "Absolutely not, Sang." Axel's smoky voice rang through the room. "I think that asking Sean any questions you have may be a better and less traumatizing option, though."

My cheeks flared red as I looked over at the grinning doctor. He shot me a wink, and I groaned. "No, thank you."

"Then you aren't ready to be doing any of the things that you looked up," Axel stated. "It may be nerve-wracking and embarrassing, but you should receive the proper information before doing the act."

"That'll be a rule that we will all agree to." Owen moved to stand in front of me. "This isn't something that you rush into, especially not blindly. So we'll take this at your pace. We'll wait until you have all the information and are ready."

I blew out a breath and nodded. "Okay."

Gabriel's mouth dropped open, "is that it? Seriously, no lecture at all?" He sounded outraged. Did he expect something terrible to happen? Or did he want me to get into trouble?

"Why would she get a lecture, Gabriel?" Owen asked, his voice revealing nothing.

"Because she was watching porn! Luke and I got fucking hours for doing that."

His mouth snapped shut, and his cheeks heated as he realized what he admitted to. I pressed my lips together to keep myself from giggling. I didn't think that he would take my laughter very well at the moment.

"Yes, and what were you doing while watching that pornography when Sean caught you?" Owen crossed his arms over his chest.

My eyes darted between the two as the air grew tense. Gabriel's mouth gaped open for a second before he let out a long string of curses and stomped from the room. Sean waited for the slam of the door before he burst out laughing again.

"No more Googling, okay, Sang. Please ask us if you have any questions." Owen reached out to rub his thumb across my cheek.

"If you're interested, I'm sure there is a sex education class that you can take at the hospital." Sean offered when his laughter finally died down.

I gave him a small smile. Owen's hand left my face, and the two of them headed for the door Gabriel left through. Axel wrapped his arms around me, dropping a kiss on my cheek.

"I told you, Little Shadow, your trouble." He released me and headed for his bedroom. Axel called out over his shoulder. "It's a good thing there are fourteen of us."

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