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The pair are quickly cleaned up, redressed, and tucked into a car, blindfolded. Opal leans against the man next to her, even though she can't see him, she knows it is Sang-Woo. From his breathing pattern she can tell he's asleep. While the two wait for whatever awaits them next, they hear a new voice, "you two should celebrate. That was quite the game there. Never in our history have we had two winners."

"Why do you do it?" Opal questions, completely drained of energy in every way imaginable.

"Some people bet on horse. It's the same here but... we bet on people. Your our horses. I did not expect you to finish your race, especially not the way you did."

"How do you live with yourself?"

"Think of it as a dream. And it really wasn't a bad one of you, either. Either of you."

Soon Opal feels what could be mistaken for the car they're in beginning to move. Maybe they had stopped and she had realized. When the car stops, the two are shoved out of the car, into the rain and into the sidewalk. They hear a man shouting at passers by, "followers go to heaven, non-believers burn in hell! The only thing waiting for you in the afterlife will be fire and pain! Let us repent and kneel down before the Lord! Save yourself from hell by making Jesus your lord!" The two are so exhausted from the past few days, either is in a great hurry to get up, both are blind folded with their hands tied behind their back. When someone finally comes over to the pair to help them and remove Opal's blindfold, all she can do is stare up at the sky, certain this is a dream and she will wake up back in the arena.

As soon as the two gain even the slightest amount of energy they get up and decide it's best to get Sang-Woo to a hospital. The ER is crowded with people, so a man with a busted face and a bite out of his ankle isn't the top priority, the two wait for what feels like hours before they are taken back for Sang-Woo to be treated. While they wait for a doctor a woman comes in, "hello, I know this is a stressful time, but we do like to have a card on file to ensure payment."

Opal nods and begins to pat her pockets, when she puts her hands in her jacket pocket she feels a card, pulling out a gold card and looking over to Sang-Woo as if to ask 'is this real?' Sang-Woo nods, before Opal hands the card to the woman. To anyone else this would seem like a wife asking her husband if it was the right card. The woman scans the card on her small handheld device and hands it back to Opal, "thank you so much. The doctor will be by shortly."

They don't look like they even belong together, the only similarities between the two being their cuts and bruises. Opal hands the card to Sang-Woo, but he shakes his head, "you won, it's your money."

Opal smiles a bit, "yeah, but I don't have my wallet on me so could you hold it?"

Sang-Woo sighs a bit before taking the card from her and putting it in his wallet, "Im not the only one they need to look at."

Opal crosses her arm, "I'll be fine, once we get out of here and find something to eat."

"Yeah, I'm hungry too. Did they stitch up your eyebrow when they took you?"

Opal runs a finger over her eyebrow and feels something in, "I think so, or is scabbed over."

Before the two can talk much more the curtain opens and in walks a doctor, "hello, how are we doing tonight?"

"Uh," Sang-Woo shifts a bit, "alright, all things considered. Just got into a bit of a scoff."

"I can see that," the doctor begins by looking over Sang-Woo's face. "How did this happen?"

"Uh..." Sang-Woo looks over to Opal, knowing the pair can't tell the doctor about the games.

"We were walking home and," Opal steps over next to Sang-Woo, "someone jumped out of the bushes. They fought but he still got away with my purse."

"Well," the doctor checks Sang-Woo's eyes and then his ankle, "it looks like you gave him one hell of a fight."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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