'All this for people who don't know what you'll be sacrificing', he states, 'it will be all the more meaningless all the same', he says and that's the last thing he said when I plunge a dagger in to him and his eyes widen that he never saw this coming, 'as long as I take as many of you down with me, I don't care', I said and as he falls to his knees and I take the dagger out, I'm surrounded by more agents, then I'm fighting them, one by one until I'm pinned, because no matter how skilled I am at combat, I can never take down an army of soldiers.

The video then dissipates into another one where I'm strapped down and screaming from excruciating pain and when it stops, I see a different man from the last, stalking over to where I lay, 'this can all stop if you just tell me where they are', he says, his voice deep and demeaning, and I open my eyes and look at him, 'bite me', I warn and then the screaming starts again, I don't know who 'they' are, but it didn't look like I was going to tell them anything.

'Tell me where they are, and I'll make this less painless', he repeats but this time closer to me and before I give him a response, I move up and take a bite out of his ear, which made the scene gruesome and when he yelled in pain and threw himself away from me, I stare at him with a bloody mouth, 'there's your answer for you', I said and he's stumbling out of the room.

When the door clicks shoot, I flick my tongue out, take out the pin I had just stolen from the man and unlock the chains that were holding me hostage.

When I've gotten out of them, I sit up, then get to my feet but seeing as how week I look, I fall to the ground and sigh.

When I've taken a moment, I stand back on my feet, making sure that I've got my balance first, and when I'm sure I do, I move to the door and walk out.

When I'm a few corridors further, I'm surrounded by agents with their guns aimed at me, so I think quick and grab the closest agent to me.

When I've gotten the gun they had aimlessly strapped to them, I move it up, 'there's only a limited amount of bullets in that, make the shot count', the agent tells me and I move the gun up, 'I intend to', I said and before I could take some shots, I stop myself, because no matter how much agents I'd take down, it'll be nothing close to what's waiting for me on the other side and no amount of pain can get me out of that.

So I do the only thing I know will get me of the playing field, which is turn the gun on myself and point it directly to my head, 'don't be stupid', I heard the same man that had been torturing me, 'If I wasn't, it would only make this all the more difficult', I said and it's the last thing I say until I pull the trigger but nothing but a dart comes out, 'we aren't that stupid either', he says before the world goes dark and I'm falling into the abyss.

I then take a step back from the ring, watching the projection disappear infront of me and sigh to myself, 'who we're those people', I heard Nat and looked over at the team whilst they stared at me, they must have watched too, because I could still see their shock, 'nobody', I reply and throw my cone in the trash, 'we should head back', I said and then be the first to walk away.

I don't know what that was, or why I didn't even remember that event, but now I'm going to think about it for the rest of the week or maybe more then that.


I had a ball of goop in my hands, I don't know what exactly it was since Alya was the one who gave it to me as a going away present, but I liked it, it kept my hand occupied whilst I was in my own train of thought, if I didn't step on the damn thing, I wouldn't be in this position where the team would start asking questions I didn't have the answer's too.

Not only that, I didn't even know how a machine like that would replay a memory I didn't even have access too or remember, but it caused a problem I don't know how to fix.

Bucky Barnes X Y/n: I hate you, I love youWhere stories live. Discover now