"Get some rest, you must be tired" said Appa.

"Araseo Appa, eomma I'm going to the room first" I replied then left the dining table.

I lay down in the room that I always miss. I don't know why I remember the incident at the hospital earlier, I was ringing with Hyun Bin calling my name firmly. "Wow, what about me? Why am I suddenly thinking about it?" I asked myself. I tried to shake off what I was thinking and decided to go to sleep soon.



Seoul Police Station

Hyun Bin

This morning I had an assignment to lead a patrol to the Yongsan area. A small city in Seoul which is 2 hours from downtown Seoul. I was accompanied by Pyo Chi Su and 3 other members. After the morning parade, I got ready and immediately headed to the destination. The road is not too congested there are only a few vehicles that we encountered along the way. Because maybe this is a holiday, so many people want to spend their holidays together with their families at home.

Dreeeet .. there is an incoming message from my cellphone I immediately opened it and replied.

Seo Dan

Oppa, I want to meet you, do you have time tonight? I miss you... meet me at a regular restaurant at 7 pm tonight.

Hyun Bin : Araseo . send

Yes, Seo Dan is my lover. We have been in a relationship for 2 years. At first we really loved each other, until finally there was one incident that made me disappointed with her.

I really wanted to end this relationship but she always refused. After that incident my relationship with her was never good. I'm starting to feel tired of this relationship. Relationships that make me lazy to think about the future.

"Commander, shouldn't we stop here first?" asked Pyo Chi Su who managed to interrupt my daydream

"Why? Isn't our destination still 30 minutes away, why do we have to stop here?" I asked while looking around the location

"There are often criminal acts here, Hyung, who knows later there will be an incident and I will immediately catch the culprit. That way I will get a promotion," replied Pyo Chi Su with an enthusiastic tone.

"Are you not feeling well Mr. Pyo Chi Su? Did you think getting a promotion was that easy?" Hyun Bin answered while laughing at his subordinate's statement.

"Yes, indeed, commander, the more criminals I catch, the easier it will be to get promoted," replied Pyo Chi Shu, which made Hyun Bin and the 3 other members laugh.

"Tell me, what exactly do you want? kimbab, ttoetpokki, ramyeon, beef bone soup?" Hyun Bin asked.

Hyun Bin actually knows what Pyo Chi Su wants if he talks like that, it must be because the worms in his stomach are screaming in there.

"Waaah daebak, you really know what I want Hyung. Really only you who understand and understand me Hyung". Pyo Chi Su replied as he turned the wheel and stopped him at a restaurant.

"Haaaiish! I'm so disgusted to hear that. Stop talking and order what you want to eat right away!" Hyun Bin replied amused to hear the words that came out of his men's mouth.

He does like to joke and talk casually, but in terms of work, I admit he is a little reliable.

Finally, my four members and I decided to eat first, because coincidentally the clock was pointing to lunch time. We have ordered some menus. Watching my four members eat voraciously, I really feel happy.

20 minutes passed, and we continued our journey. Just a few meters our car drove, suddenly at the three juctions in the road there was a scream of a woman who was being blocked by a group of people. Pyo Chi Su swiftly stopped the car and we immediately got down to make an ambush. But it turned out not to be that easy, the group of people carried several sharp weapons and also a gun. I have to coordinate with my four members to formulate a strategy so that things don't happen that are not desirable.

After a little discussion, I assigned my two members to guard the location, because suddenly many people wanted to witness this incident and I was afraid that I would harm them.

One of my members I assigned to contact the nearest police station. Pyo Chi Su and I ended up negotiating a bit with that group of people.

These negotiations were not so fruitful. Actually, we could have started shooting immediately, but we also thought about the safety of the victims and the people around who were in this location.

One of the perpetrators managed to paralyze Pyo Chi Su and immediately handcuff him. but the other perpetrators managed to put a knife around the victim's neck. Currently this condition is really not conductive, like it or not, I have to act immediately.

With great calculation I fired my gun at the perpetrator's leg who was draping the knife at the victim. One shot sent the suspect to the ground and the victim ran away from the scene. At the same time the police we contacted arrived at the location, at least this would be very helpful in securing the victims and the perpetrators who we had managed to paralyze.

Suddenly other perpetrators began to attack me, they pointed sharp weapons at me, without thinking I quickly kicked and hit him until the perpetrator was pushed forward and fell. But it didn't stop there, it turned out that there was still one more perpetrator who suddenly attacked me from behind. I tried to beat him but this time I was unlucky, the knife he was holding managed to slash my right arm until I felt excruciating pain and pain. Pyo Chi Su, who saw it, immediately shot a gun at the perpetrators, until finally we were able to paralyze all of the perpetrators.

"Commander...are you okay?, your wound is deep enough, commander, you have to go to the hospital immediately" Pyo Chi Su said panicking seeing the blood that came out of Hyun Bin's arm quite a lot.

"I'm fine, it's just a small cut" Hyun Bin replied while holding his arm and actually holding back the pain. it turned out that the blood continued to flow from his arm. Pyo Chi Su put his arm around him and took him to the car. According to local residents, the distance between the incident location and the hospital is about 35 minutes, so it still takes time to get there.

Wiuu..Wiuu...Wiuu..The sound of an ambulance interrupting me.


Hi Guys, Stay healthy yes?!

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