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Chapter 6 - Am I hallucinating?

Y/n's pov.


The alarm clock rang and it showed 10:00 AM. I got up and went to the bathroom. Yangyang was still asleep and I can tell that Sunghoon is awake since I can hear someone cooking in the kitchen.

After taking a bath, I went downstairs and saw Sunghoon eating in the kitchen.

"Hey hoon, what's for breakfast?" I asked and sat down on the stool across him.

"Ramen, since that's the only food I can cook" He said and I snorted.

"You're already old yet you can't cook something else other than ramen? How will you live in the future?" I said and ate the ramen he cooked.

"Well, I'll just find a girl who can cook. That's easy, Or I'll just stay with you until we die" he said

"But Hoon, you should learn how to cook, and you can't stay with me until we die, I will have my own family Hoon and you will too in the future"

I can see Sunghoon's eyes getting teary, I stood up and went beside him.

"Hoon, why are you crying?" I asked. "P-Please don't talk about that, you're my only cousin who I treated as a sister. I don't want to lose you" He cried and hugged me

"That time when you almost died, I didn't know what to do noona. I was so scared that you would leave me too." I shushed him and caressed his hair

"Oh Hoon, I'm sorry. You can always visit me you know, I also treat you as my lil bro, I'm sorry for scaring you that time. I was just so devastated and depressed. But I promise I will be with you until our last breaths okay? Now stop crying and let's eat" He nodded and we continued eating.

A few minutes later, Yangyang came down and sat beside me. His eyes were still droopy but he's awake now.

"Good morning babe" I hugged him and he kissed my forehead. "Good morning, what's for breakfast?" He asked

"Just ramen, since Hoon doesn't know how to cook" I giggled and Yangyang scoffed.

"Loser, hey kid grow up and learn how to cook. How will your family survive with eating ramen everyday?" Yangyang said and I looked at him with disappointed face

"Yang, Sunghoon is still young, he can still learn. And why are you talking like that to him?" I asked and he smirked

"Because his face irritates me" He got up and went back to his room without eating his breakfast.

I looked at Sunghoon and he was looking down. I knew he was about to cry but I hugged him tightly and caressed his head.

"Don't listen to him Hoon, maybe he just had a bad day." I said and he shook his head.

"He hates me noona. I'm telling you not to marry that dork, he'll just break your heart and he also said something about getting revenge for his cousin" he said and my eyes widened.

"W-What? How did you know that?" I asked him

"He told me a few days ago. Please believe me noona, I'm telling you the truth" I nodded

"I'll talk to Yangyang okay? Now don't cry and finish your ramen, we're going to the café later" I said and he nodded.

I went upstairs, to my bedroom and saw Yangyang laying on the bed while scrolling through his phone.

He was smiling while doing something. I sat on the bed and he immediately turned off his phone and sat up.

"Babe, I didn't notice you entered the room" He said and laughed nervously.

See You Again (Book 2 Of Your Love) | Choi Soobin Where stories live. Discover now