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Chapter 4- Bad feeling

D-3 before Heeseung's wedding. Y/n decided to give the employees a day off since they worked hard these past few days.

Y/n is chilling in the living room while watching Netflix. Yangyang was in the kitchen, cooking for their lunch.

As Y/n was watching, her phone rang. The caller ID says "Hoonie💨". She answered the phone

"OMO SUNGHOON-AAAHHH! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH WHY DID YOU JUST CALL ME NOW?" She shouted and she could hear Sunghoon exclaiming.

"Noona there's no need to shout you know? And I just called since Heeseung hyung just told me today that his wedding is in 3 days, are you going?" He asked and she hummed

"Yeah, of course I will, I made their gowns and suits why would I be absent when he's also my friend" she said sassily and he sighed.

"Yeah whatever. Me and mom will visit you later so you better clean up your house or I'll throw you into the dump site" he said and hang up.

"Aish that boy never changed" she said and threw her phone on the couch.

"Who was it?" Yangyang entered the living room and sat beside her.

"Sunghoon, he said that he and auntie will visit here later" she said and Yangyang nodded.

"So, what are we gonna do now?" He asked while Y/n just shrugged

"How about.... We have some fun time together? You up with that?" He said in a flirty voice. Y/n slapped his arms and rolled her eyes.

"Shut up yang or I'll break your bones" she said and he laughed

They went quiet for awhile, Yangyang was getting bored. He made Y/n lie down on her back and he hovered on top of her.

"Y—Yangyang, what are you doing?" She stuttered. He just smiled and caressed her face

"I love you Y/n" he said and slowly leaned in. Their lips touched and they kissed passionately. Few seconds after, they stopped and they were panting.

"What's with the sudden kiss Yang?" She asked and Yangyang hugged her tightly.

"If... Ever your first love comes back, and you're feelings for him suddenly came back... Will you leave me for him?" He asked

"What? No Yang, I'm already engaged with you, and also how would that happen when he's already in the other world?" She said and Yangyang sighed

"I was just making sure. You really love me right?" He looked at her and she smiled and pecked his lips.

"I love you so much Yangyang" she said and he smiled

"I love you too Y/n"

The door bell rang and Y/n stood up and opened the door. She was attacked with a hug.

"Noonaaaa! I miss you so muchhh!" Sunghoon shouted

"Yah! How tf did you grow so tall?!" She exclaimed

"Uh, I don't know? But nevermind that, I'm gonna stay here for a month since mom is going to Japan" he said and went inside the house and sat beside Yangyang.

"A month?! Auntie! What's this kid talking about?" She asked

"Yep, you heard it right, he'll be staying here for a month. Don't worry, he's big already he won't disturb your making love time with Yangyang" her auntie said and Y/n just stood there in disbelief.

"Auntie, I haven't cooked for the two of you yet" she said

"WHAT? YAH WHEN I CALLED YOU I TOLD YOU TO PREPARE EVERYTHING!" Sunghoon shouted from the living room

See You Again (Book 2 Of Your Love) | Choi Soobin Where stories live. Discover now