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Chapter 3- Reunion

Three days passed by and today's the day were they celebrate their reunion with their classmates in college.

Yangyang and Y/n are getting ready and after making sure they bought everything they need, they hopped on their car and drove to school.

Upon arriving there, Y/n immediately jumped off the car and ran towards her friends.

"SOOJIN! YUMI! YERIN! GUESS WHO'S HERE!" she shouted and the three girls screeched and ran towards her.

"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH Y/N-AH! WOW YOU'RE ALREADY ENGAGED?! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU" Soojin shouted and hugged her as tight as she could.

"Awe, my Y/n's already grown up" Yumi wiped her non existing tears.

"Shut up Yumi, anyways... YERINNN COME HERE MY BABY!" Y/n cooed and Yerin immediately hugged her.

"I missed you so much unnie" Yerin said and Y/n smiled at her.

"Hey girls! What's up?" Yangyang said and placed his arm around Y/n's shoulder.

"The sky Yang" Soojin sarcastically responded making Yangyang roll his eyes.

"You never changed Sooj, you're still a b*tch" he said and Soojin headlocked him. Yangyang cried for help while the three girls were laughing.

"Dear former students of BH College, Good day to all of you! It's so good to see all of you again, growing up and having families already." The principal said.

"Well, I thought of having a reunion since I wanted to see how you're doing right now, and it seems like all of you are doing great." He smiled

"Enjoy this day and I hope nothing bad happens okay? Let the party begin!" He said and the people cheered.

They were having a good time, some were eating, some were dancing and some were even drinking while playing a game.

Y/n felt like she came back from being a student in college while watching her classmates enjoying the party.

She sat down on the chair and Yangyang followed her.

"Why're you only sitting here? Aren't you gonna have fun with them?" He asked

"I'm gonna sit for now." They went silent for a minute and Y/n suddenly spoke

"Yang... What does it mean when you see someone in your dreams and they'll tell you to wait for them?"

"I don't know? Maybe it's a sign that they'll come back? Or maybe they wanted you to remember about them?" He said

"Why tho? Have you dreamed of someone who told you to wait for them?" He asked and she nodded

"First, it was Mark oppa, and second was Soobin. I don't know if I should shrug it off or should I think about what does it mean" She sighed and leaned her head on Yangyang's shoulder.

"It's impossible that they'll come back Y/n, they're already in the other world. Maybe they just wanted you to remember about them" Yangyang said and she nodded.

"Hey guys! Don't just sit there! Let's have some fun!" Soojin shouted and the other girls grabbed me and Yangyang

They had fun all day long and finally, it was time to go home.

When they arrived home, Y/n immediately went to her room and jumped on the bed without changing her clothes.

"Yah, change your clothes first before sleeping" Yangyang said and pulled me up.

See You Again (Book 2 Of Your Love) | Choi Soobin Where stories live. Discover now