Chapter 40

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I have died everyday
Waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid
I have loved you............

Thousand years -  Christina Perri


Sitting in my office, I looked at my schedule for the day and smiled. I had nothing much to do feeling a sense of relief but next week was going to be a rough one so, might as well use the weekend as much as I could.

After signing a few forms my secretary had brought me, I looked at my watch, it was almost lunch and Alisa had promised to go to lunch with me which i accepted.

Alisa was my business partner who I had gotten close to. She was at first my dad's close friend but after what went down, she offered to help me with anything which I was grateful for.

Suddenly, the door to my office flew open revealing the one and only,Alec. "Who the fuck do you call yourself entering in here without knocking?" I yelled as he flopped his ass on my coach raising his legs and putting them on my coffee table. Asshole.

"I am Alec Martinez, I don't call myself that." He said making himself so at home in my office for my liking.

"Why are you even here?" I scoffed standing up and going to sit in the coach opposite his. Resting Abit wouldn't hurt since I had nothing to do right now. My COO would do the rest of the work.

"I have good news and bad news." He said rubbing his hands in excitement.

Alec had changed after working as a model so much but the change was alot more physical. His hair was now shoulder length and he worked out more making him more mascular than he was at first.

"Let's start with the bad news then." I said pulling out a bottle of wine and two glasses from the side.

"Starting with the bad news won't make any sense at all." He said pouring himself a glass. Way to make himself at home.

"Then don't tell me at all because in the end it's bad news." I said looking a way but I was curious to know what he had to say.

"We all know the gossip bitch in you wants to know it all so I will tell you. " He said and rubbed his hands together which he has been doing alot since he came to see me today. " I met Tiana." He immediately said and to say I was surprised would be an understatement. My mouth hang open and my throat felt dry but one thing I knew was, he was kidding with me as everytime the name was mentioned, this had always been my reaction. But the expression on Alec's face was serious. Way too serious to be a joke. He continued seeing I wasn't going to talk anytime soon.

"Okay the story is, I was at the supermarket today and I met this little kid. He was cute, black hair, pretty eyes and he was looking around so I scooted to his height....."

I realized this story wasn't leading anywhere. "Just get to the point mf, I don't want to listen to your sill......" He also cut me off.

"You listen to me first dummy, so like I was saying, the kid was waiting on his mom. I asked him when they had left but he said they would be back so I carried him and told him I would wait with him." Typical Alec Martinez.

"Leave it to you to go around carrying people's kids." I scoffed making him smirk.

"Specifically not people's kids but Tiana's kid." He corrected me smirking and my expression gave him the satisfaction.

"No... No fuckin way." I stood up looking at him in disbelief. "You must have seen some other woman." I said trying to assure him but myself most. If she had a kid, that meant she is married.

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