Chapter 36

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I don't need another hand
I need a couple of suggestions
Always had a little trouble with self reflection
Now does my raw emotion make me less of a man

~Self- Khalid~

I had searched everywhere but I couldn't find her. I really hoped nothing would happen to her.

I was wishing I never called the the guys to help numb the pain. If I hadn't called them, maybe they wouldn't have brought Jenna along with them and maybe I would have spent the night with Tiana but now all that was out of the window.

I had one thing to do, to look for her but still, I wasn't finding her anywhere. I kicked the tyres of my car out of frustration. Could this day get any worst.

My phone rang for the a millionth time. Which part of me hanging up wasn't whoever was calling me not getting. I picked it and almost hang up again but stopped. It was an unknown number, whatif something had happened to Tiana and they were calling me.

I picked up and put the phone to my ear. "Hello, Declan King?" A female voice asked professionally.

"Yeah, sure. " I said patiently but my patience was wearing out with every passing second.

"I am sorry to inform you that Mr. Reinherd King has been involved in a car crush. You're the first relative we could reach so kindly get to the hospital as fast as you can. Thank you."  And with that, the call ended.

My head was now spinning and I sat down on the road side by my car. The news that my dad was in a car crush wasn't what I expected to hear.

Just when I thought this day couldn't get any worse, something else had to happen. I chuckled to myself and shook my head. I was going to lose everything oh! I had already lost it all.

The woman I called my mother my whole life was not my biological mother but all she wanted was revenge.

The girl I had finally got attached to had found me with someone else not her in bed and worst of all, she ran away and I couldn't find her.

Now, the man that had lied to me my whole life had been in a car crush. Even though he had lied to me, he always did everything to protect but me, I blamed everything on him.

"I hope by the time you realize everything, it won't be too late." I remembered what dad had always told him everytime I blamed him for that woman's departure.

"I am trying to do everything for you, son." He always told me everytime I blamed him for wanting to control my life.

I was feeling sick and I could throw up right then. I felt like I was going to get a panic attack.

The saying it's never too late didn't apply here. I was late, late to realize that people around me priotised me but what did I do, I took them all for granted.

But maybe if I drove to the hospital right now, it wouldn't be too late.

I stood up and managed my breathing, got in my car and drove to the main city hospital. But I knew one thing for sure, this was all my fault and everyone would see it.


I ran into the building straight to the reception. "Reinherd King?" I asked out of breathe. I had to reach there as fast as I could but the nurse wasn't helping.

"Only family is allowed to....." The nurse said taking her time to  look away from her files.

"I am his fuckin son." I yelled in frustration.

The nurse seemed scared by my tone and immediately gave in, "Private room 456 eighth floor."

I didn't bother to thank her and ran to the elevator. I hit the buttons but it just had to be slow at that time.

Finally, it started moving and I couldn't wait to get to him. The man who had hidden secrets from me but to protect me. I was going to learn to see the positive side of everything to get the best out of it but still, it was too late since I didn't have anything to look on to.

The elevators doors opened and I ran through the hallway knocking a few people here and there but I didn't care right then. What I wanted was to get to my dad.

I finally made it to room 456. I was met with the people I had grown to know as my family. Kayla sat down holding Richie who was breaking down. Avery stood next to them with Jace who carried a sleeping Mia.

They all turned their heads and looked at me, the smiling faces were now sad. "Thank God,you're here sweetie." Kayla left her husband and came up to me pulling me into a hug.

Did I deserve her affection after what I had done in the morning. Maybe if I hadn't left, they wouldn't be here. But I braced the moment and broke down in her arms.

We finally pulled away and Richie too pulled me into a manly hug but it was comforting.
"It's going to be fine,buddy."

"Can I see him?" I finally asked in the middle of my breakdown.

"I wish but his surgery is still going on. He suffered bad head injuries and a severe heart stroke." He said almost breaking down but you could see he was trying not to.

Him and My dad were so close that they even chose to live under the same roof.

"I am sorry. But the doctors said the chances of making it are ..... Really low." He said at the end and broke into a quiet sob. I didn't know what to say anymore as tears streamed down my face. I couldn't lose him because if I did, I would lose Mia too. I needed him for us.

I know I was being selfish since this all was my fault but what could I do, selfishness was my nature.

We sat waiting for the doctors to give us a final word but my emotions were everywhere. I hadn't minded to look at everyone but one person in particular was glaring at me. Avery. I knew she knew this was my fault. She was always very optimistic so maybe out of everyone, she knew this was my fault.

Finally, the doctor came out and as though on cue, we all stood up.
"We were able to deal with the injuries as they were minor but I am sorry," he looked around at all of us with a sympathetic look. "He might not wake up anytime soon. His heart can only function via machines right now as he almost experienced a heart failure but we got him on time."

"Most patients with such cases always chose to pull off the heart support but... It's always up to whether the family can afford the costs."

"Whatever costs they are, he has to stay alive." Richie said giving the doctor a death glare.

Through all this, I had one thing in mind, I wanted to see my dad. "Doctor, can we see him?" I asked .

"Yeah sure but I don't guarantee it ....." I didn't bother to hear what he had to say but I just dashed off to the room.

There he lay, lifeless on the bed, tubes everywhere and no scowl or the usual emotionless glares. Just a pale bruised face.

I walked up to his side and sat down holding his warm hand, "I wish I knew it dad," A tear slipped down my face. "I wish I knew that all you did was for the best."

"Now I can't do anything to get you to wake up but please, wake up for us. If you you wake up, you can hit me all you want, I won't mind." I cried more Everytime I took in his appearance. "I will call you dad, I promise."

But he didn't flinch even a bit. He still lay the way I found him. "Wake up and make everything right. You always have a way dad, don't you?" I asked but no response but I went on to talk anyway. "Mia wants you, she wouldn't want me because this is all my fault that you're here."

I wanted him to wake up for us. Or if not for me but for Mia and or his twin brother. They needed him more than I did since all I had always done was push him away.

I talked and pleaded but he still lay in the same position. The beeping finally put me away to sleep on his side.


This! This! Gave me hard time to write.
Thanks for reading y'all.

Him and I (Our Abrupt Engagement)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant