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TW description of torture.

"sit, we need to talk about work" Sanzu said after us almost killing each others, I rolled my eyes and sat in front of him this will be fun.

He took a deep breath "I don't like people getting in my way so you better not be useless"

"The only useless thing here is your brain" If he wants to be a bitch, I'll be a bitch as well "why are so hostile towards me anyway, did I fuck your dad or something?"

"Do you have a death wish, bitch?" He was reaching for his gun.

"You are the one being an angry bitch for no reason here and I know you won't kill me, Mikey didn't just make me an Executive for you to kill me Mr No. 2 executive." I said calmly, it wasn't hard to guess that he is Mikey's right hand man he is the most famous one in Bonten cause of how ruthless and crazy he is, and here I'm making him angry, maybe I do have a death wish.

He clinched his jaw but sighed probably realizing I'm right "I'm not used to working with someone, especially a woman".

"Treat me like a man then, it seriously doesn't matter to me" I shrugged.

He looked at me for a while probably considering what I said "Okay, Mikey said you tortured Sato Yoshito, what did you do to him?"

I stayed silent for a minute, doing something when you are bumped with adrenaline and hatred is one thing but remembering it and saying the horrible things you did out loud is much harder.

I sighed "I ribbed his nails, broke the bones of both his legs with a baton and burned him with a hot iron rod".

He seemed interested but also very serious "and how did you kill him?"

Why is he asking about this?! I don't want to recall the things I did.

"Why are you asking about this?"
"I want to know what you are capable of, and what should we work on, if you are working with me I don't want unfinished business."

"I shot him in the head" I said monotonously.

That seemed satisfying for him, like it was the answer he was waiting for.

"Okay you are good for your first time, but you are not organized also some people will need more than broken bones and a burn to talk."

I was shocked "I need to do more than that?"

"Yep" he got more comfortable in his chair "wanna know what would I have done?" He had a dangerous glint in his eyes.

I thought for a while, I'm actually curious about this but do I really wanna know, but then if we are going to work together I will probably see him in action might as well have some knowledge.

"Yes I want to know."

He had his elbows on his desk and rested his head on his hands "taking out his nails is a good start so you get an A+ for that, but you need to built anticipation, be slow, waiting for pain is much worse than pain itself so my next step would be taking out his teeth one by one with pliers leaving some so he could talk, breaking bones with a baton is too boring not to mention it's tiring not gonna lie I do it sometimes when I'm angry but, shooting both of his legs is more effective and he will be screaming in agony, at this point he will be struggling with every word he is saying but he will be able to still talk but more like a toddler" Sanzu chuckled as if just imagining this satisfying for him.

But what really concerns me is that I'm actually agreeing with him.

"Then what?" I asked.
He smirked "oh I see you are interested, that's a good sign" he opened one of the drawers of his desk and took out a syringe filled with clear liquid "you know what's this?"

"Err, drugs?" That's the first thing that came to my mind.

"Correct! You know what is the worst pain ever?"
"Withdrawal from drugs, so what I simply do is injecting someone with a good dose of this babe right here, then let them beg for more while they scream in pain and that is how you get info".

It's astonishing how normal he explains these things it's as if he is doing a presentation about climate change.

"You seem really passionate about this".
He shrugged "it's what I'm good at".
"You sick bastard" I smirked which made him laugh.

And then an idea bopped on my head "hey Sanzu, do you record those torturing sessions?"

He looked at me with amusement "why? You wanna watch?"

"It's not that but what if you have a hostage that you want to question and you just tie them up,cover their eyes then play a record of a previous torture session, break their nerves make their mind wonder about what will happen to them".

He raised one eyebrow at me "hmm, I see what are you trying to do here".

I smirked "you know, waiting for pain is much worse than pain itself" I said his words back to him.

He let out a loud laugh.

"I see, you sick little bitch!".


A/N: err I don't know what's this chapter but I guess y/n made a friend? Lol 😅

We will probably get some ✨drama✨ soon 🤭

Also on another note, I want to recommend a fanfiction to you guys it's one of my personal favorites and the writing is just very beautiful, it's and inui X reader and it's called blooming by -FXUYU. Check it out if you are interested, you won't regret it! ❤️❤️❤️

Also let me know if you want other ff recommendations ^^

And lastly I hope you enjoyed this chapter and enjoy the rest of your day/night, love you all.❤️

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