C39 {ɪɴɴᴏᴄᴇɴᴛ}

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
December 5, 2025

"What the- Why did you do that?!"

"To shut her up"

"But i have no one to talk tooooo"

"Talk with your Siri"

"Shut the fuck up, kid"

"Hyung stop being childish"

The younger male says while cleaning up the syringe that he just used to inject you, the older male sighs then stares at you who's unconscious.

"What kind of injection is that?" The older male questions, getting curious about what the younger male injected to you, he never knows that the younger male used a poisonous drug in that injection, and if the younger male did then there's a high possibility of you dying since it's already obvious that your body is weak especially it's a human body, but let's not go to that point.

"They put in here a... Conscious Sedation" The younger male answers, reading the paper that's attached on the sirringed.

"Does it kill her?" The older male questions again.

"Nope, she's just gonna be conscious for around 40 minutes or one hour" The younger male answers the older males question as he put down the syringe and turns his head to you.

"This Human looks innocent though... I wonder why she's one of the reason we're here staying in this chunky basement" The younger male stated, as he holds your arms going down to your hands then your fingers playing with it one by one.

"Welp, Wolfgang seems like targeting this so called 'Innocent' human being with us, i am also curious" The older male chuckles and looks around the basement.

"Mhm" The younger male humms, still playing with your fingers not until he noticed something written on your arm.

After reading the written sentence on your arms, he quickly back away from you in utter shock, he blinked a few times then released a deep sigh.

"young" The younger male turns around and looks at the older male. The older male turns around as soon as he got called by the younger.

"Yeah?" The older male raises a brow to the younger.

"I feel like... This girl was meant to be with us, than being with those other boys..." The younger out of a sudden said as he glance on you.

"What boys?" The older male asks, as the younger male sighs.

"Like, Eric... Sunwo-"

"Oh you meant them~ Why??" The older male smiles then crosses his arms, curious about the youngers statement.

"She's innocent... and those boys, are the worst" The younger male tells, as the older male chuckles.

"Then should we keep her with us?"

"I think we should, she belongs in the precasia clan"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
December 6, 2025

"Juyeon, hey hey... wake up" Hyunjae taps Juyeons shoulder a few times before he shakes juyeons body softly, "Wake up, Let's go find Y/N".

Juyeon then wakes up and blinked a few times before turning his head to Hyunjae, "What?".

Hyunjae sighs and pats Juyeons shoulder, "Get ready, we're going to find Y/N" Hyunjae repeats his words, juyeon then nods in a sleepy way, as hyunjae leaves Juyeons room and go back to the living room where almost everyone are in, but not everyone.

"Where are the others?" Hyunjae Questions, as he looks at Chanhee. Chanhee was incharged on waking everyone up, hyunjae also helped, but now that hyunjae comes back to the living room only Sunwoo, changmin, Chanhee and he his self are there and Juyeon on his way too.

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