Chapter 39

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I woke covered in sweat, and saw Sesshomaru with a worried expression on his face.  “Just a bad dream is all.”  He nodded, and then we both got up to check on my family.  They were all asleep still, so Sesshomaru and I walked outside, and started sparring with each other. 

I couldn’t help myself, I started giggling when Sesshomaru pinned me to the ground for the third time in a row.  He smirked, and poked my side causing me to squeak.  He stood back up and pulled me up with him.  We started round four, and soon I felt eyes on us, we have an audience.  Inuyasha, Inu-taishu, and my brother were standing around watching.  Sesshomaru swung his fist at me, and I dropped to the ground.  I kick his feet out from underhim, but he managed to regain himself, before he hit the ground.  Stupid Demon.  I stood and moved to take him out, but he was gone.  Stupid demon speed and stuff.  He had me in his arms from behind, and made sure that I couldn’t escape. 

“You lose.”  He whispered in my ear.

“Witch remember.” 

He jerked his arms away from me.  I had started to burn them.  “Sorry, but I win.”  I turned to look at him, and then placed my hands over the burns and healed them myself. “Sorry.”  I told him through our mind link.  He nodded in response and swung his arm over my shoulders, as we walked over to our audience members.

I smiled at all of them and Inuyasha had to start messing with Sesshomaru for losing to me.  “Inuyasha leave him alone, you have no room to talk.  Kagome could kick your butt without even touching you, and with one word no doubt.”  I said confidently.

He glared at me “You know what….”  He didn’t even finish, because he didn’t even know what else to say, he knew that I was right, I had caught him.  I laughed, and soon he was laughing with me.  I looked to Sesshomaru who was now speaking with his father.  I walked over to them, and the conversation stopped.

“I’m sorry am I interrupting something?”

“NO.”  Was all Sesshomaru said, as he arm found its way around my waist.  Soon inuyasha was shouting at us.

“Hey Kagome and mom said that we are all eating together, so you guys get over here, its time to eat.”  He shouted at us all.  My brother left to go get his kids and wife from in the house, who were now all awake and playing with each other.  We all walked together to Inuyashas and when we got there something didn’t feel right.  I shook the feeling away, and thought nothing of it, or at least I tried to.

We were all in the middle of eating, when demons and bandits were attacking the village.  All of the kids were told to hid in one of the room, while the women were to stay with them along with Inu-taishu to protect them.  Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, Renji, and I took off to go save the villagers.  My weapons, and fighting outfit appeared on me, as we ran.  I pulled out my katanas and took out a bandit that was going after a child.  I spun around and sliced off the head of one of his buddies that came from behind me.  Sesshoamru was fighting off some of the demons along with his father and Inuyasha.  I took care of the bandits.  I hate them, for what they did to my family as a child.  I had a grudge, and apparently so did Renji.  We took the bandits out, but we kept one alive.  Soon everyone of the villagers were accounted for, and the enemies had been taken down.  Our survivor was dragged to a shed away from the village.  I had Sesshomaru place him in a chair and tie him up in the shed.  I told the boys to leave it to me, and they all stepped out, leaving me alone with this man. 

“You don’t scare me wench.”

I got in his face, “Well I guess we will have to fix that then, won’t we?”  His face turned into that of confusion.

“You can’t torture me, you have no weapons.”

“I don’t need them.”  I cracked my knuckles, and then stretched my fingers.  I popped my neck, and then reached out to touch either sides of his head. 

“What are you…?”  And then the screaming began. 

Minutes later I walked out with the information that I needed.  I whispered in Sesshoamru’s ear “Get rid of him for me.”  He nodded and got to work.

I walked to my brother.  “You are going to let me in that head of yours dear brother.”


“I am not asking.”  I was serious, I am not playing games, I am tired of playing.  He could see that, everyone could.  Sesshomaru walked out of the shed, and saw me with my brother.  I placed my hands in the same way, and soon Renji was on his knees

I removed my hands for a moment. 

“Rin, please, this isn’t necessary.” 

“Yes, it is.”  I brought my hands back to his head.  Why is he fighting me?  I pulled back.

“What do you have to hide, brother.”  Venom was clear in my voice, I didn’t care.  No more secrets, no more lies. “It gets worse the more you fight it, but you knew that.”  My hands went back to his head, and this time I tried harder, he slowly started to let go, allowing me inside his head. 

There, that’s what I was looking for, I stopped, and backed away from him.  He was hunched over, trying to catch his breath.  He looked up at me, with tears in his eyes.  But I turned away from him, as silent tear fell down my face. 




Sorry guys, I know that I said that I would make this chapter longer, but I decided to leave you all with a cliffhanger, to see what you think.

Also if you would like to read more of my stories, check them out, they are interesting, and filled with mysteries to be solved.  Thank you all for reading, thank you for reading my other stories, thank you for voting and or commenting.  Thank you. 

So what do you all think of the cliffhanger?  What do you think Rin will do next?  How do you think everyone will react in the near future, for things that are to come?  Do you like when witches out? (yes that is what i am going to call it.)

What do you think of the song for this chapter?  Thank you guys again.

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