Chapter 38

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Rin's POV

I woke in his arms, and to the morning dew that stuck to the ground.  The sun was slowly begging to rise in the sky, and the light shined through the trees.  I looked up to see Sesshomaru looking back at me.  I smiled and brought my hand up to caress his cheek.  He leaned into my hand, and I soon heard the purring like noise once again, which caused my smile to grow.  He was soon lifting me up off of the ground and taking me home.  Once in my home, he left and came back with fruits for me to eat.  I ate them, and then thanked him, which he said there was no need to thank him. 

After breakfast, we left to go to the river, I wished to wash up.  Once there, we both stripped each other of our clothing, and walked into the water, which a bit warm thanks to me, and the fact that I put a wall up so that we could have some privacy.  We helped clean the other, and soon being clean was the last thing on our minds. 

Once we were done, we both dried off and got dressed.  I used a spell to wash our cloths, and to dry off quickly.  Being a witch has its perks, if you can control your powers. 


We made it back to my home, and walked in to see my brother, along with a woman, and three kids.  “Rin this is my family.”

“Hello.”  I said as one of the children came up to me. 

“Your my Aunt?”  he asked in a quiet voice.  I kneeled down to his level.

“Yes, sweetie I am.”  He hugged me, and I hugged him back.  Soon I was being hugged by all three boys.  Who I later found out were all two years apart.  The eldest was Tamiki, who was 8.  Then there was ash, who was 6.  Finally there was the youngest Gon, who was 6, who was also the one that I met first.  I felt a connection, and the need to protect all three of them, when I first hugged them.  They were all sweet kind boys, and Tamiki took it upon himself to protect his mother and brothers whenever Renji was away.  Tamiki has even awakened his powers, although they are very small and can only do little things, he is still capable of putting up a barrier which helps in many cases. 

When they all noticed Sesshomaru Tamiki and the other two boys stood their ground, which caused me to laugh. “You there demon, what do you want?”  Tamiki asked.

I looked to Sesshomaru and then back at the boys, they didn’t know. I am not sure what I was expecting to happen, but I couldn’t help but smile at what happened next.

Renji spoke up, “Boys, this is your aunts mate.” 

“He is still a demon.”  They were not backing down, although they did seem to lighten up at that in mind. 

Sesshomaru growled, and let his eyes turn red.  “I am here to eat three little children.”  He growled out as he picked them up into his arms, and spun around.  They all laughed after they got over the shock of what just happened.  The three boys were soon climbing on him, and pulling at his pointy ears, as we all sat down around each other in a circle. 

“Okay boys that’s enough leave him be, before he actually does lose his temper.”  I told them, as they all whinned, but listened.  The two eldest got off of him, and moved to sit by their mother, while Gon sat in Sesshoamru’s lap.  He looked up at Sesshomaru and smiled, Sesshomaru allowed for him to remain in his lap, as long as he behaved.  Which he did.  I smiled seeing how well Sesshomaru acting with all of them, I think he tolerated them because they were my family. 

We all laughed and talked together, and I played with the boys, and showed them a few tricks.  Renji soon left with Sesshomaru to get food for us.  I began to talk to my sister in law, whose name was Honoka.  She was pretty, with brown hair that came to her shoulders, and she seemed tired, most likely because of the boys.  I smiled at her, and offered her the extra bedroom that I had.  She took it and went to take a nap as I watched and played with the boys.  I had done a spell that makes all the particles in the air come together and create a person.  The boys loved it, and they played with it for a while until Renji and Sesshomaru returned. 

The men made the food, and once it was ready I woke Honoka from her nap.  She thanked me as we ate, and soon the boys were sound asleep on the floor after eating.  I smiled, and I used my magic to take them all to bed all at once.  All the while I could feel Sesshomaru’s eyes on me.  Knowing that he was watching me with the kids, it caused me to smile.  Maybe, just maybe. 

Once the kids were in the bed in the guest room, I walked back to the living area, and sat next Sesshomaru, as Honoka began to fall asleep on Renji’s shoulder.  I smiled knowing that they were happy, I could feel it, and see in their era around them.  We all sat in silence just enjoying the company of everyone here, of family, my family.  Eventually Renji lifted Honoka into his arms, her sleeping form snuggling into him, causing him to smirk.  He said goodnight to us, as he carried her to the bedroom, and walked in.  I smirked up at Sesshomaru, and then poked his cheek.  Giggling as he gave me a strange look.  I stood and began to head to our bedroom, I turned and motioned for him to follow me, he didn’t take his time to reach me. 

As we lay in bed, my head on his chest, as he created patterns on my arms, back, and even my legs. 

“You were good with them, thank you.”  I told him using our mind link connection.  He didn’t say anything, he only tightened his hold on me.  “Sesshomaru is there something wrong?”  I asked, a bit worried about him. 

I waiting for an answer, I wasn’t going to rush him, and I knew that I had to be patient.  It wasn’t easy, but I did it. 

“You are good with them, the children.”  So that’s what this is about.  I rolled so that I was laying more on his chest now.  My hands and chest on his own, separated by our cloths.  I looked into his eyes, as he looked back.  He gently and swiftly moved a strand of hair behind my ear. 

“Is that what this is about?”

“Rin.”  It was just a simple tone he used.


“You really are something Rin.”

“Well thank you, I think.”  He chuckled.

I traced his jaw line and then gently ran my fingers over his lips that I love to kiss.

“What are you doing to me?”  He asked no one in particular.  He pulled me down to his chest, so that I was no longer looking at him, but I was now listening to his heart beating.  I began to create my own pattern on his chest, and then to his jaw line.  I heard his heart beat faster, and skip occasionally.  That makes me smile, that I have such an affect on him. 

“I love you, you know.”  I told him out loud as I closed my eyes, and fell asleep.  Right now is nap time for everyone.  I knew that sesshomaru would not sleep, so he would wake me in an hour or so.    

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