Chapter 3 | blushing over a kind gesture

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"Oh, by the way. We're like staying in this hotel for like six days already. When are we going to find a permanent place to stay? I'm getting sick with their foods here."

We are currently having our usual breakfast, and Kai is whining like a baby for like 20 minutes straight already. I swear to God, I'll throw my fork at him if he won't stop. Chanyeol on the other hand was just busy enjoying his bread and coffee while reading something on his phone, not minding Kai's tantrum.

"Shut up, Kai. You should be thankful we are staying in a hotel and not somewhere else that isn't comfortable," I finally spoke and munched the remaining omelette on my plate.

"Oh c'mon, Hun. It is not comfortable here! I just don't like it here. Huh, I shouldn't have agreed with your idea of coming back here in Korea. I should have stayed at home." Well yeah, it was my idea. But hey! It's not like I forced him.

"Well I haven't forced you to come! You willingly packed your things and fly back here with me and Yeol. That means, I'm not at fault here."

"So is it my fault now?"

I was about to rebut when Yeol interrupted us. "Will you two please shut up? Stop acting like toddlers. And Kai, I already found a place. So, don't worry. We'll be moving out later, so better pack your things already. After school we'll head to that place." He then sipped the last drop of his coffee.

"Woah. Really, Yeol? Yey! But wait, why can't we just stay at Suho's place? Like duh, we're relatives!"

"For the nth time, Kai, shut up. You're embarrassing." I glared at him while looking around seeing some people looking our way because of Kai's loud mouth. The bastard just stuck out his tongue at my direction. Childish. "I swear, I'm going to kill you."

"I don't think that's a great idea. I mean, yeah, Suho offered us to stay at their house actually. But you already knew what happened in the past. I think it's best if we find our own place instead." Chanyeol then meaningfully looked at me.

I know what he is trying to say. What happened in the past wasn't actually our fault. But I don't know why the hell are we suffering from the consequences as well.

Kai looked at us, puzzled. He probably doesn't remember a thing.

"Why? What happened in the past?"

As if on a cue, Chanyeol's phone rang. He instantly answered it.

"Hello? Who is this?"

I just averted my gaze away from Kai who is now eager to know the things that shouldn't be discussed anymore.

"Ah, Rosie. Yes, good morning too. What is it?"

I instantly looked at Chanyeol when I heard him mentioning that blonde girl from our class.

"Ah, actually we just finished our breakfast. Yeah. Uhm haha yeah, see you." Chanyeol awkwardly laughed and scratched the back of his head. After he finished the call, I instantly gave him a questioning look.

"What?" He asked me defensively.

"Still our first week in school, and you already got yourself a girlfriend?"

"Wow, Yeol, Rosie is your girlfriend? Wow, dude. Salute."

Me and Kai instantly high-fived. When it comes to teasing Yeol, we always team up.

"What? No! The heck. She's not my girlfriend. I don't even know where she got my number. I'm not as flirty as you are, Kai."

"Yah!" I instantly laughed at Kai who just got roasted. Well among us, Kai's someone who had bunch of girlfriends even when we were still on the seventh grade.

A Little Crush On You | HUNLISATahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon