Chapter 2 | familiar

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"Get away from me!"

"The heck?"

"Just stop it already! I'm telling you, you're dead if you won't stop!"

"Just lea---ouch," I instantly opened my eyes when I felt someone pinched my legs. A blinding light met my eyes. I looked up and saw the suspect. "Yah, Oppa! It hurts. Hmp."

"You are spitting a lot of nonsense. Get up quickly, mom already prepared breakfast," Xiumin-oppa said and left my room.

I lazily stood up, fixed my bed, went to the bathroom, and did my morning routines.

Already wearing my uniform with my backpack already hanging on my shoulders, I went downstairs and saw them already eating.

"Good morning, everyone," I said as I sat down across my brother.

"Why did you wake up late today, honey?" Mom questioned me as I was putting rice and hotdogs on my plate. "I slept late last night, omma. Had to finish something."

"It's not good for your health, Lisa."

"Yes, appa. Mianhe."

Dad just nodded. We then continued eating silently.

As I finished eating, I turned to my brother who is already fixing his things for school. "Oppa."

He turned to me and gave me a 'what' look.

"Can I tag along with you today? I think I can't drive. I'm so sleepy," I said with pleading eyes as I tried to suppress a yawn but failed.

Oppa just nodded and patted my head. It was his habit already. "Sure, princess." I smiled. My brother is really caring and sweet. Though sometimes, we also fight hehe.

"Mom, Dad, we'll go ahead," we said in unison. Mom smiled and waved at us. While dad putted down his newspaper and nodded at us with a small smile.

We headed out and went to oppa's car. We have our own cars. Mom, dad, oppa, and me. Though mom rarely uses hers since she always go with dad when they work. They manage our business together.

"Seatbelt, Lisa."

"Ne." I then settled myself into a comfortable position so that I can take a nap for atleast a couple of minutes.

Oppa played some soothing music and I was thankful for that. I closed my eyes but has no plans of totally falling asleep. Our school is just a few kilometers away from home. So it won't take us long to arrive there.

The music stopped playing when someone was calling Xiumin-oppa. I opened my eyes and saw it was Suho-oppa.

"Morning, bro." Oppa answered the call while his eyes were still focused on the road.

"Good morning, brother~"

"Tsh. Hahahaha. What do you need?"

"Are you still at your house?"

"Nope. We're on our way to school. Like dude, it's already 7 AM. What would you expect from an early bird like me?"

Suho-oppa from the other line chuckled. And I also did. 'Cause it's true that my brother is really such an early bird. Well, I also am.

"You're with someone?"

"With my sister."

"Ah okay. Let's meet at the parking lot. We're also on our way." He's probably with Jisoo-unnie and his two sisters.

A Little Crush On You | HUNLISATempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang