Young as the Morning, Old as the Night

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Young as the morning...

old as the night.

My lady woke up...

with a terrible fright.

Young as the morning... 

old as the night. 

She sat up quite straight...

until she was upright.

Young as the morning...

old as the night.

I scurried right over...

and said: "It's alright" 

Young as the morning...

old as the night.

My Lady told me...

she was feeling contrite.

Young as the morning...

old as the night.

She said she, herself...

was the one to indict.

Young as the morning...

old as the night.

She said for her injustices...

she would requite.

Young as the morning...

old as the night.

My lady fell back asleep...

in the pale moonlight.

-Aubree: ladies' maid

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