Wonderful Addictions

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I'm addicted...

to your kisses...

and the feeling as they trail across my skin.

I'm addicted...

to your eyes...

and the world I see when I look into them.

I'm addicted...

to your skin...

and the feeling it leaves on my fingertips.

I'm addicted...

to your smile...

and how it emphasizes the dimples on your cheeks.

I'm addicted... 

to your spontaneity...

and how it leads you to do crazy things.

I'm addicted...

to your selflessness...

and how you constantly think of others before yourself.

I'm addicted...

to your kindness...

and how you always worry about me.

I'm addicted...

to the sound of your voice...

and how it echoes through the walls of the Estate.

I'm addicted...

to your fingertips...

and how they entwine themselves in my hair. 

I'm addicted...

to you...

and the impact you have in my life. 

-Brianna Cecille Blades

In the AfternoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora