The Calamity

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Fate pulled us apart, yet, I still remember the day you were laying beside me like it was yesterday.

The sun shone through my curtains and illuminated your face with a beautiful pink glow,

and I remember my longing not for you to go, 

but we both knew that much like the sun when it's near, 

there was a time when you too,

 had to disappear.

There will never be words to describe my sorrow when I learned of your passing.

Your memory in my mind will be everlasting. 

No one knew much of our relations,

or of our certain situation.

They didn't know you visited often,

or that I knew how, when you were around me, you'd soften. 

They didn't know most nights, you'd wake in my bed,

and that in the mornings you so often fled.

I refused to tell them the words we'd said,

or about the wedding we'd planned ahead.

And none of them could ever understand,

just how we'd wanted to expand. 

We so often talked of our new family,

but then there was The Calamity.

When I lost you forever,

to a woman under pressure,

and no one dared go fetch her.

"Raiders" They'd said.

But I knew you would never have fled,

to the forest ahead,

had you not been trying to protect me, instead.

And the woman under pressure could not have measured,

the amount of love we had treasured.

So she cut you down,

and continued to drown,

in the guilt she'd found

from doing so.

So now, I'm left,

with only memories expressed,

in the time we used to get undressed.

You, My Arthur,

are now somewhere farther,

yet I know, you were a Martyr. 

- Brianna Cecille Blades

In the AfternoonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ