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Los Angeles
police department Rampart,

"Mrs mondel anything to say for yourself?" Cary questioned.
She reminded silent, where danger was covering her face.
"So if don't have anything then let me start, why you murdered Mr Powell? "
"No I didn't, I'm not the culprit. " She shouted, tears rolling down her face.
"Steve files" Whyte ordered. "Susan shier and Anabella mondel, two identity, anyway we have already know your background Susan shier,  even you were a good friend of Antony Powell, and a great team researcher."
Steve shows the files, Whyte continues "a well earning researcher, why she has to work on a library? Can you explain that? "
She bit her lips " Just, just I was tried. So came for breck." Her face turned blue " I'm, I'm getting old that the reason."
"A reasonable answer" Cary added.
"Steve show what we got on Stanford University."
Steve pulls out the photograph,
Whyte continues " Susan shier, Priscilla wilde, Paul Smith, antony Powell, lars Roger and henry Brown. Can you identify them? "
She peeks the photograph. "Yes they were my colleague. What's wrong with that?"
"Henry Brown do you still remember your old colleague, he left you six, what a great connection you  colleagues have. Bring Paul Smith, Max"
Max left the sence, Mrs mondel looked up with a great shock.
"After a great troubles and beating, Mr paul has specked all the truth. That you guys killed Anthony Powell and henry Brown. What you want to say about this now? "
"Nothing! It all fake.... Paul is lying...its so untrue,you can't trust him a bit, I did nothing understand." She trembled as she spoke.
"Mrs susan shier,dont throw tantrum,if you don't answer politely,dont blame to get harsh on you, I'm very serious about it." Whyte ordered.
Plang! Cary slapped her face,
"I won't, I won't " She cried.
"Even if you hide we already know we have got the proof."
"I don't know anything, show me the proof! " She yelled.
"Don't shout it's hurting  your throat and our ears. " Cary added.
"Pleaze lady, let me handle " Grey shared a smile as she walk in.
"A well know professor, also knows the the importance of books I guess?" Greys smiles made susan feel Chick-bumps.
"So what? How can you say we killed them? I guess you need proof to sue me. "
" The proof is with you. You guys already knew the cost of the rugged books and 6 of you made a plan to work together to have the treasure if them. You could have fooled people easily. Paul became the manager, same goes with lars Roger the publication officer and rest of you remaining did editing. Putting new edition, you guys attract people by the outer exterior but main source you hid for your mean purposes. Am I right? "
Mrs mondel was left speechless.
Gabriel took place inside rugging a faint men.
"What are your guys grazing at? Help me to carry this 100 pounds men."Gabriel ordered
" Who he grey?" Whyte shocked.
She passed a smile with Gabriel "a well known friend of Susan, meet Lars Roger. "
Steve and Max tied lars and Paul in chair.
Paul beaten black and blue.
"I guess a embracing reunion " Gabriel cackled.
"Cary wake lars" She followed the order and threw a cold water over lars.

Three of them looked each other.
"Sir, ma'am I did nothing wrong I'll tell the truth, leave me I beg. " Lars pleaded with his one eyes swelled, it sured showed he had a great time with Gabriel.
"Dig out the grave" Whyte urges.

He took a pause, ' that evening, before Anthony died.. I had complete all the publishing and all the requirements they needed, I just got a little money hence it was fine for me due every year we have to renew those books and stuffs, I didn't had that much idea what was going futher than my imagination, Paul was abroad and Priscilla got a sudden heart attack due she was weak from many couple of years due overlapping of marijuana." A sudden break he took. " Only me Susan and Anthony were left drinking on bar room, Susan was enjoying the day until and unless Anthony told 40% will be his due he did the massive work, where Susan rejected saying they all must get equal shares."

Whyte cutting in middle. " And then you murdered? "
"No" He cried " I don't know much just I know is that they Priscilla mom called around 4 am telling we lost Priscilla, where I and Susan were absolutely sad, but Anthony went crazy and rejoiced thinking of his benifits, Susan and Anthony had hot fight, Anthony left towards library for shifting loads and later Susan also left, I don't  know more, I stayed in the bar till I founded death of Anthony in morning, if don't belive please check the footage of hangouts lounge and bar, just then Paul said me to deliver another edition yesterday only I could say this much. "
"I did nothing, I didn't killed him" Susan cried bitterly. " I will never murder someone Paul won't you say anything I did nothing wrong you know na? "
"I can't help you Susan speak the truth" He urges.
Susan cried as she lost all the hopes,
Steve began" Don't weep we know you murdered Mr Powell."
"I didn't, I agree we had fight but not the murder"
"If you give me a chance I can prove Mrs Mandel innocence." Grey brought a pendrive and placed in her laptop.

"Please miss grey help me. It's not me. " Susan pleads
Whyte looking the screen " How can you say that Susan was not the culprit grey? Looking the scenario she the only one she worked on library and knew the data even she left after Anthony, and after murdering she arrived here as she knew nothing. "
"It's so untrue" She wept
"Here" A footage showing Paul running
"What this means? "Whyte  asked
Grey smiled " Please observe it carefully it's sunset Boulevard lane 5. Time 8:30, showing Paul, I think this can explain. "
Paul breaks " I'm just doing morning run, how can you say I killed Anthony and Susan is innocent? "
"Please be patient Mr Paul. According to the every statement and the records we find that Paul was aboard while we found Anthony death, but what was he doing here, shouldn't he be on States? "
Whyte nodded, entire team began whispering,
Susan looked towards Paul "Paul did you lied and now you trying to frame me up?"
"Okay I didn't went abroad, but it can't tell I killed Anthony however why will I? "Paul in dismal.
" You will," Grey smiles "that dawn when Priscilla died I sure you were with her. "
"What" Everyone was shocked
"Are you sure grey? " Whyte added
"I was not there, " Paul shouted " Don't frame me, I'm pretty sure Susan must have given you some bucks to frame me. "
"I knew you won't believe so here please bring Racheal Wilde Cary"
She brings Racheal who was sitting outside,
" Dear friend and the last breath of your dear sister was Paul there ? "
"Yes he was, he's such a good men he stayed all time there until she died"
"So Racheal Wilde at what time Paul left the scene? "
"I'm not pretty sure but after my sister died he was so emotional he left saying he had some work. "
"Thanks Racheal Wilde we will call you if we need you, you can leave"

Mackenzie GreyWhere stories live. Discover now