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Café du roi
Jingle, jingle
As Grey entered the cafe, Gabriel smiled, serving some costumers order, white and blue apron, a quite handsome man while he works, she felt,
"Seems like someone had a hard work. " He helped to remove Grey's coat, and makes her a seat nearby window, which had a plate written, (Reversed)
"You can say so" Pouring out water in glass,
"So, what's your tummy asking today?"
"Anything but quick and tasty"
Gabriel nods his head, leaving Grey and costumers.

2 messages.
Her phone beeped, she gave a big smile, "as I thought"
Gabriel put a plate of red sauce pasta simultaneously Grey close her screen and passes a smile to him.
"Foods ready for my reserved lady, it's.. "
"Waiter" A voice from back, Gabriel raised his eyebrows,
"It's pasta, now go back to work man."
"yeah! This is all world to me. " Sarcastically he said and went.

Jungle, jingle
People in and out leaving a musical note, where Grey ate her food, thinking what to do next,

10:30 pm
Grey came out on her warm pyjamas, drying her hair from a small towel, she relaxed in sofa while having green tea, giving stare on her screen,  she lowered the voice, as Gabriel entered displaying his sweats, he jumps on armchair, assuming he had done a lot today.

"Now; what I missed today?
" Genuinely nothing much, we had a talk with the manager over there, what you miss was a free coffee, I guess!"
"Nothing interesting?"
"Oh! I'm sorry, I can't be a ghost writer, to make it interesting.
" Never mind, here a small boy passed this to me, when I asked who gave; he said I don't know?, hence its for you Grey, sometimes you feel so mysterious" Passing the paper to her.
Grey grasp the paper, Gabriel tries to peek but poor luck, Grey went on balcony.
"Gabriel I told you hundred times don't peek when big people are doing work,"
Gabriel started sulking,

After a min to two,
Grey founds Gabriel powerless sitting on dinning table, scribbling with his charcoal pencils, and acting he didn't care.
"Man, don't be late for bed, tomorrow gonna be a big show"
She pulls out her coat, covering the bare neck by long warm scarf, Gabriel looking all clueless,
"For heavens sake, please at least let me know where are you about to go, in such a cold night?"
" Being a owl of the city," She said half jokingly.
"Let there be one more owl of the city then, I don't you would mind?" Smiling brightly
"It'll be hard man, better load your body."

16 of Nov 
Los Angeles central Library

Guards, more guards; a heavy surveillance on every entrance.
" Damn, how can we enter inside?" Grey in squeaky voice. Hiding besides the bushes.
"Easy as hell! walk in" Gabriel answered
"Unwise idea" Grey mentioned
"What do you mean? Grey; are we going to sneak inside like thieves? This is not your style?"
" Keep it low" Pulling Gabriel down the bush.
Couple of guard passed from there.
" But it's illegal! Don't tell me you killed Mr. Powell," He squeaked
Grey sharing a devil stare to him, "you want to have a taste?"
"Grey don't act like a Slaughter witch,"
"Gab, look I'm here to look the entrance and exit, nothing more"
She pulls her binoculars and watched the entrance,
"Grey! There are many entrance door, this is main entrance gate, where's your brain, let's check other side. "
"No! Today we need to see here my friend. "
"Boring, I guess what exciting Whyte doing right now?" He added.
" Why so worried about him? "
Gabriel surprisingly "You don't know? Whyte called me while I was at my work, telling he's going to meet Mrs Anna and leaving towards Stanford University. "
"Really? " Grey in a traumatic way, "Why didn't he told me anything about it?" Thinking a bit. "Whatever fix your eyes in the entrance, and watch out if any guards found you out. "
"As the lady says

4:21 am
Gabriel who was dead, where Grey still at her binoculars,
at the very movement a big loading truck arrived in front of the library, she dug her elbow in Gabriel ribs.
"What? What happened? Where am I?" Mumbling after a long nap.
"Man! Lower your voice; see! " She passes the binoculars.
A blad man of 50's with some labours loading big gaints boxes, some guards checked the load and allowed them in.
"Grey! I can't figure out anything useful. They are just loading books and magazines I guess. "
She pulled out her mini camera, and clicked the view .
"Let's go Gabriel, I wonder why I was called here? "
Café du roi
6:30 am
Gabriel was lying on sofa where his feets are relaxing on table, with stentorian snores.
Grey busy drinking morning coffee, and lost in some maze.
Just then 1 message arrives

Whyte : grey, I have just took place in Stanford university, I'm back on my way,

Whyte :I have got some important piece of mystery,

Whyte : Text me when you see this.

:what you got there?

Whyte : do u remember those pics u got, these were the students and as well the professor of there.

: so?

Whyte: on the right side, he's Henry Brown, a well known scientist,

Whyte: Ruefully at age of 36 he died mysteriously in 1986

Whyte: the unsolved case, due no evidence just like Mr Powell his friend.

Whyte: his death was known as a natural death, and the case was closed.

:it means these guys have a deep great secret, lucks! the photograph is useful.

Whyte: yeah! My team are trying to figure out the rest people.

: thumbs up for you then, take a nap before anything else,

Whyte: one humble request,

Whyte: take a good eye, on the location I'm going to send,

: counting it in.

________  _

After a long tire out journey,
Whyte threw himself on the bed, his eyes lids shuts, simultaneously his phone rings loudly and more loudly
"Curses! " He yells. "Hello" In a savage tone,
"Sir it's Cary reporting, we have got Henry Brown reports as well...... .. "
"What? I'm getting to the point, you are right. Just do a hand for me...... ... " 
"Yes Sir"

Mackenzie GreyWhere stories live. Discover now