Just le beautiful Mennard!!!!!

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A/N: Hey my stars!!!! I know it's been 4ever since this story has been updated. I don't know how to really explain this chapter, but here we go!! I hope you enjoy this chapter!!


*Ennard took me to the vents.*

"Why are we in the vents?" I asked him.
"Because I wanna spend time with you, and only you!" Ennard said blushing slightly.
"Awww you just wanna spend time with me! You're so sweet!!" I said gushing over him.
"Shush!!" Ennard said, and kissed me.
"I-I-I-I-I- uh bye world..." I said blushing madly.
"Please don't die, Mikey!!!!" Ennard said shaking me.
"Please stop shaking me..." I said dizzily.
"Sorry..." He said embarrassed.
"I-it's fine..." I said looking away with a dark red tint to my cheeks.
"You're cute when you're flustered<3" Ennard said making me blush even harder.
"SH-SHUT UP!!!!!" I yelled at him covering my face.

*Ennard moved over to Mikey, and kissed him for a good minute and a half.*

"You're a good kisser baby!~" Ennard whispered in Mikey's ear.
"S-STOP!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled at him turning away from him.
"T~T Please don't be mad at me!!" Ennard pleaded with me.
"F-fine..." I said giving in.
"Yay!!!" Ennard said hugging me.
"Ok please let me go!!!!" I begged, because I was losing air.
"Nuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!" He said squeezing me even tighter.
"E-Ennard I c-c-can't breath." I said losing even more air.
"Sorry Eggs!!" Ennard said realising me.
"It's fine." I said taking deep breaths.
"Can we take a nap?" Ennard asked hoping to get a yes.
"Sure😊!" I said wrapping my arms around him, and falling asleep.
That was quick! Ennard thought falling asleep as well.

-Time skip-

"*Yawns* Mmmmmm I wanna go back to sleep even though I just woke up." I said waking up from my nap.
"Are you ok Eggs?" Ennard asked waking up as well.
"No!!! I wanna go back to sleep already:,(." I said wrapping my arms around him again, and being clingy like a baby.
"Ok. Go back to sleep then." Ennard said wrapping his arms around me, and kissing my forehead.
"Okie..." I said drifting back to sleep.
So cute!!!! Ennard thought kissing my forehead again.

-Time skip-

"*Yawns* Good whatever time it is Ennard!" I said waking up again.
"Good afternoon baby!~" Ennard said kissing my forehead again.

*My face went red in .1 second.*

"Sorry Eggs!! I forgot how easily you get flustered!!!!!!!" Ennard apologized.
"I-it's fine..." I stammered out blushing madly again.
"I-I... I love you Eggs!" Ennard said blushing madly.
"I-I-I-I... I love you too Enn!" I said kissing him blushing like crazy.

*The kiss went on for a good two minutes, before breaking the kiss to breathe.*

"More sleep?" I asked still very tired, because I messed up my sleep schedule from working at S.L.
"Sure why not." Ennard said laying back down with my arms wrapped around him.
"Yay more sleep!!!" I said like a little child who got promised something they want, and almost threw a tantrum for it.
"You're very clingy baby." Ennard said stroking through my hair.
"I know! The reason behind me being clingy is I like attention!" I said cuddling him like how a child would with a big teddy bear.
"Have good rest my Eggs!" Ennard said kissing me as we both drifted to sleep.


A/N: Hey my stars!!!! I did say that this chapter would only be Mennard! So you got some Mennard fluff!!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! Bye-bye, my star!!!!! Love you all!!!!!!

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