Josh is comin' for ya!

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A/N: HELLO MY STARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Btw Josh is my twin!!!!!! Les a go!!!!!!!!!


"It's fine just don't do it again!!" 'Nessa said hugging her back.
"Hey Chris?" Jake said.
"Hmm?" Chris hummed.
"Follow me!" Jake said taking his hand, and dragging him outside.

*Once they were outside Jake kissed Chris like there was no tommorow.*

!? Chris thought.
"I- DAD!!" I said calling out for him.
"Hmm- WHAT THE HECK!?" William said about to start hitting the window.
"FATHER... IF YOU HIT THAT WINDOW I WILL SLICE YOUR NECK OPEN!" Eclipse said with a let's just say scary look in her eyes.
"Y-yes my child..." William said scared, and tucking his hands in his pockets.
"That's my best friend!" 'Nessa said.

*Ding dong*

"Who dat?" Eclipse asked herself going to the door.
"Heyyy!" A boy a little shorter then Eclipse said.
"JOSH!!!!!!!!" Eclipse yelled tears in her eyes as she attacked him in a hug.
"I've missed you E!!" Josh said hugging her back.
"Me too you dork!" She said still holding him.
"Who dis?" Chris asked.
"Another secret older sibling." Eclipse answered dragging Josh, Chris, and Jake inside.
"JOSH!?" William, Terrance, Henry, Uncle Vincent, and I said as we grabbed him into a hug.
"Hey guys!" Josh said hugging back.
"Ah great another mistake." Clara said behind Eclipse.

*Eclipse teleported behind her, and snapped both her arms in half.*

"DON'T. MESS. WITH. MY. FAMILY.!" Eclipse said eyes red, then they went back to her normal colors, and she went to go text someone.
"Her mood swings are so scary!" I said going to Noah, and hiding by hugging him.
"Who ya texting?" Josh asked going to sit by her.
"Eve<3!" She responded blushing a little more than usual.
"Oooooooo~ Does 'Clipsey have a crush?" Josh said teasing her.
"M-maybe..." She said hiding her face.
"WHY ARE SO MANY OF CHILDREN DATEING SOMEONE, OR HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE!?" William yelled falling into Vincents arms upset, because he thinks we're growing up to fast.
"Because we're not babies anymore." Eclipse, Josh, Terrance, and I said at the same time.
"Can you go back to being little babies??? Like 1 month old? Please?" William said.
"No." We said.
"*Cries.* Fine." William said going back into Vincents arms.
"PLEASE DON'T CRY!!" Eclipse said breaking down, and running up to him tackling him in a bear hug.
"Eclipse?" William asked surprised that she broke so quickly.
"'Clipsey you've never broken that quickly before!?" Josh said in a concerned tone.
"Josh is right 'Clipse... are you ok!?" I asked worried.

*Eclipse just looked up, and said "I don't want daddy to hurt like we had to...", and burred her face again.*

*Everyone in the room is shocked that she's actually showing fear.*

"'Clipsey never shows fear." Josh whispered to no one in particular.

*A girl showed up as soon as Josh finished his sentence.*

"Come here 'Clipse." The girl said.
"O-okie Eve..." Eclipse said, and walked over to her.

*She grabbed her, and peppered her face in kisses to calm her.*

" *Giggles* Okie, okie stop!" Eclipse said between giggles
"Are you calm?" Eve asked.
"Mhm!" Eclipse hummed hugging her.
"Okie!" Eve said holding Eclipse close to her by holding her waist.
"Let go of my child/sister!!!!!" William, Vincent, Henry, Terrance, Josh, and I said mad. (Me: Where have you been Henry!?)
"NO!! NEVER!!!" Eve hissed holding Eclipse tighter.
"Can y'all shut up!? I wanna sleep!!!!" Eclipse said voice muffled by Eve's jacket.
"Sorry!" We all said quietly.

*A few hours later*

"*Yawns* *Wakes up* Hi Eve." Eclipse said cuddling up to her.
"Hey baby how was your nap!?" Eve said playing with her hair.
"Good!" She answered flustered by the nickname.
"Awe you two are so cute together!!" Josh said in the air.
"BOI GET DOWN HERE SO I CAN SMACK YOU!!" Eclipse yelled at him.
"Calm down baby~ he's just jealous." Eve said petting her.
"O-okie..." She said flustered again, because of le nickname.
"Hi 'Clipse! Why are you re- WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER!?" I said mad at Eve.
"Chill all I did was call her "Baby"." Eve said annoyed.
"Mikey you need to calm down! You're being to loud!" Noah said hugging him from behind.
"Taylor swift?" Eclipse asked Noah.
"Yep!" He said proudly.
"Nice!" She said going on her phone, and listening to NF.
"Which song are you listening to?" Eve asked.
"That's a joke from his new album." Eclipse responded.
"That's a masterpiece like all of his songs." Eve said holding Eclipse.
"Facts!" Eclipse said.
"Am I the only one confused?" Josh asked.
"Nope!" Noah, and I said at the same time, and blushed.
"Awe kawaii!!" Eclipse said watching a ship on YouTube.
"What ship ya watching now?" Eve asked.
"Tododeku!!!!!!!" She said in a 5-year-old voice.
"Awe 5-year-old voice!!" All of us said.

*Eclipse went red, and said "SH-SHUT UP BAKAS!!".*


A/N: Yes this is where I'm ending it sorry it's short!! Don't worry the next chapter will only be Mennard~. I hope you enjoyed!! Love y'all! BYE-BYE MY STARS!!!!!!!

A Mennard story (Rewrite)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora