Time of the Angels pt. 4

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"You looked into the eyes of an Angel, didn't you?" the Doctor said. "I didn't mean to, I really didn't. I'm sorry." I looked down. "Listen to me. It's messing with your head. Your hand is not made of stone." he reassured. "It is, though. Look at it!" I motioned towards my hand. "It's in your mind, I promise you. You can move that hand. You can let go" he kissed my forehead. "I can't, okay? I've tried and I can't. It's stone." I said. The Doctors light flickered. "The Angels are going to come and they're going to turn this light off, and then there's nothing I can do to stop it, so do it. Concentrate. Move your hand."

"I can't." I responded. "Then we're both going to die." the Doctor said. "You're not going to die." I pointed to him with my other hand. "They'll kill the lights." he shook his torch. "You've got to go. You know you have to. You've got all that stuff with River, you know you remember. She said that's all got to happen. You know you can't die here." I reminded him of what River told us at the library. "Time can be re-written. It doesn't work like that." he said. I saw the statues arrive. "Keep your eyes on it. Don't blink." the Doctor turned to the statues. "Run!" I yelled. "You see, I'm not going. I'm not leaving you here." he replied. "I don't need you to die for me, Doctor. I'm not worth it." I squinted my eyes. "You can move your hand." he said. "It's stone!" I yelled. "It's not stone."

"You've got to go. Those people up there will die without you. If you stay here with me, you'll have as good as killed them." I reminded. "Juno, you are magnificent, and I'm sorry." he said. "It's okay. I understand. You've got to leave me." I nodded. "Oh, no, I'm not leaving you, never. I'm sorry about this." he bit my hand. "Ow! What the hell was that?" I jumped, able to move my hand. "See? Not stone. Now run." We quickly ran away.

"You bit me!" I yelled. "Yeah, and you're alive." I held up my hand, "Look, I've got a mark. Look at my hand." I frowned. "Yes, and you're alive. Did I mention?" he turned to me. "Jeez, your teeth. This regenerations teeth are sharp." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. Alive. All I'm saying." he shrugged.

"The statues are advancing along all corridors. And, sir, my torch keeps flickering." I heard a cleric say as we arrived. "They all do." Octavian said. "So does the gravity globe." River turned. "Clerics, we're down to four men. Expect incoming." Octavian warned. "Yeah, it's the Angels. They're coming. And they're draining the power for themselves." the Doctor nodded. "Which means we won't be able to see them."

"Which means we can't stay here."

"Two more incoming." Octavian informed.
"Any suggestions?" River asked me and the Doctor. "The statues are advancing on all sides. We don't have the climbing equipment to reach the Byzantium." Octavian said. "There's no way up, no way back, no way out. No pressure, but this is usually when you two have a really good idea." River shrugged. "There's always a way out." I said, my voice echoed. "Juno? Can I speak to Juno, please?" Angel Bob asked. "Hello, Angels. What's your problem?" I took the walkie talkie. "Your power will not last much longer, and the Angels will be with you shortly. Sorry, ma'am." he said. "Why are you telling me this?" I asked. "There's something the Angels are very keen you should know before the end." he replied. "Which is?"

"I died in fear."

"I'm sorry?" I questioned. "You told me my fear would keep me alive, but I died afraid, in pain and alone. You made me trust you, and when it mattered, you let me down." Angel Bob said. "What are they doing?" Amy asked. "They're trying to make them angry." River replied. "I'm sorry, ma'am. The Angels were very keen for you to know that." Angel Bob said. "Well then, the Angels have made their second mistake because me and the Doctor, we're not going to let that pass. I'm sorry you're dead, Bob, but I swear to whatever is left of you, they will be sorrier." I said. "But you're trapped, ma'am, and about to die." Angel Bob pointed out. "Yeah. We're trapped. And you know what? Speaking of traps, this trap has got a great big mistake in it. A great big, whopping mistake."

"What mistake, ma'am?"

"Trust us?" I asked Amy. "Yeah." Amy nodded. "Trust us?" I repeated to River. She gave me a smile. "Always." I turned to the clerics, "You lot, trust us?" I asked. "Sir, two more incoming." a cleric relayed to Octavian. "We have faith, ma'am." Octavian replied. "Then give him your gun." I pointed to the Doctor. "I'm about to do something incredibly stupid and dangerous. When I do, jump!" the Doctor explained. "Jump where?" Octavian questioned. "Just jump, high as you can. Come on, leap of faith, Bishop. On his signal." I replied. "What signal?" Octavian quizzed. "You won't miss it."

"Sorry, can I ask again? You mentioned a mistake we made." Angel Bob asked. The Doctor pointed the gun at the hull of the Byzantium. "Oh, big mistake. Huge. Didn't anyone every tell you there's one thing you never put in a trap? If you're smart, if you value your continued existence, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow, there is one thing you never, ever put in a trap." I responded. "And what would that be,  ma'am?"

"Me." the Doctor said.

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