The Poison Sky pt. 2

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"Now!" I heard him yell on the phone. Me and Donna disappeared from the spaceship. "Have I ever told you how much I hate you?" Donna told the Doctor. "Hold on, hold on. Get off me, get off me. Got to bring the Tardis down." Donna left the hug as the Doctor sonic'd the teleport. He turned to Martha. "Right, now. Martha, you coming?" She had his trench coat over her. "What about this nuclear launch thing?" she asked. "Just keep pressing N. We want to keep those missiles on the ground." he said. Donnas' gaze was on the clone Martha. "There's two of them." she said. "Yeah, long story." he grabbed my hand and stepped into the teleport. "Here we go. The old team, back together. Well, the new team." Donna and Martha got in after us.

"We're not going back on that ship!" Donna yelled. "No, no, no. No. I needed to get the teleport working so that we could get to-" he activated the teleport. "Here. The Rattigan Academy, owned by-" Rattigan pointed a gun at us. "Don't tell anyone what I did. It wasn't my fault, the Sontarans lied to me, they-" The Doctor took the gun and threw it away. "If I see one more gun." he said annoyed. "You know, that coat sort of works." I commented to Martha. "I feel like a kid in my dad's clothes." she chuckled. "Oh well, if you're calling him dad, you're definitely getting over him." Donna grinned.

The Doctor began to make a device. "That's why the Sontarans had to stop the missiles. They were holding back. Because caesofine gas is volatile, that's why they had to use you to stop the nuclear attack. Ground to air engagement could spark off the whole thing." he finished explaining. "What, like set fire to the atmosphere?" Martha questioned. "Yeah. They need all the gas intact to breed their clone army. And all the time we had Luke here in his dream factory. Planning a little trip, were we?" he turned to Rattigan. "They promised me a new world." he defended. "You were building equipment, ready to terraform El Mondo Luko so that humans could live there and breathe the air with this. An atmospheric converter." he picked up the ATMOS device.

He walked to the teleport, carrying the ATMOS device with him. "Right. So, Donna, thank you for everything. Martha, you too. Oh, so many times. Luke, do something clever with your life. And Juno," he began. "You're saying goodbye." Donna said. "Sontarans are never defeated. They'll be getting ready for war. And, well, you know, I've recalibrated this for Sontaran air, so-" he turned to me. "You're going to ignite them." Martha said. A tear rolled down my cheek. "You'll kill yourself Doctor." I said. "Just send that thing up on it's own. I don't know. Put it on a delay." Martha reasoned. "He can't." I looked down. "Why not?" Martha asked. "I've got to give them a choice." and with that I heard the teleport activate.

Rattigan walked to the teleport. "What are you doing?" Martha asked. He stepped inside. "Something clever." he pressed the button. The Doctor dropped back into the Academy teleport.


"How were they?" Martha asked. We were back in the tardis. "Oh, same old stuff. They're fine. So, you going to come with us? We're not exactly short of space." Donna replied. "Oh, I have missed all this, but, you know. I'm good here, back at home. And I'm better for having been away. Besides, someone needs me. Never mind the universe, I've got a great big world of my own now." Martha chuckled. The door slammed shut on its own and the time rotor activates, throwing us around. "What?" the Doctor questioned. He ran to the console. "Doctor, don't you dare!" Martha yelled. "No, no, no. I didn't touch anything. We're in flight. It's not me." he defended. "Where are we going?" I asked. "I don't know. It's out of control!" he responded. "Doctor, just listen to me. You take me home. Take me home right now!" Martha yelled.

a/n: hi! so this one was a bit short, but i hoped you enjoyed it! ty for reading :)

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