~Five years into the Future~

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"What's up with Darth Stay-Puft over there?"

You turned to your right, glancing quickly towards the lone figure your best friend Katia was gesturing towards and saw a tall lanky person covered head to toe in the internationally recognized puffy black down filled jacket.

You turned to your right, glancing quickly towards the lone figure your best friend Katia was gesturing towards and saw a tall lanky person covered head to toe in the internationally recognized puffy black down filled jacket

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"Southeast Asian person, most likely Korean", you mumble and glance back down at the script in your hands. You listened with growing annoyance as Katia snapped the gum she was chewing yet again. You hadn't been on this set for more than 30 minutes yet and her gum snapping was getting on your nerves. You might love her like a sister, but even sisters had terrible habits. Just as you opened your mouth to tell her to knock it off, she giggled.

"Oops, I didn't mean to be so loud" Katia said as she giggled and nodded her head again towards the black marshmallow, who was of course just now turning to look at you both. You caught a glimpse of a black baseball hat pulled super low and the ubiquitous black face mask covering the lower portion of the persons face before you glanced up to catch them checking you out, just as hard as you were checking them out.

Embarrassed you ducked your head to collect your thoughts. As you did, your brain started to catch up to what your eyes had seen. The black baseball hat had multiple little silver hoops through one side and that was tugging on a long-forgotten memory. The face mask itself wasn't unusual in this post-Covid world, but the skin it was covering up seemed nearly luminescent in the early light of the morning coming into the sound stage. As you started to make the "at least he didn't glitter" joke in your own head, your brain finally jumpstarted itself.

You jerked your head back up to stare at the person in black to confirm your suspicions. You hadn't been an ARMY for nearly 15 years to NOT know who that was. But even as you thought it, you started to have doubts. "That's not possible," you think, "How is he all by himself? Shouldn't there be.... people? Or an entire entourage of people?"

You and Katia were on this soundstage on the far south side of Chicago at 05:45am because of Katia's boyfriend Derek. There was a new movie coming out and Derek worked as a 2nd Assistant Producer or 2ndAP, which really meant all the work and a teeny bit of credit. But Katia loved him, and that made him your... almost brother-in-law of sorts. So, when he called and begged you to come be an extra on this film, you and Katia had agreed.

To that end, you knew why you were standing in a sound stage open to the cold January skies in Chicago, but what on earth was Min Yoongi, BTS Global Superstar and world-renowned producer doing standing here? And why on earth was he all by himself? Something was off and if you were right, it was off in a huge way.

"Hey Katia, Derek's on set now, right?" you shifted your head a little so as to keep Yoongi in your line of sight while turning to talk to Katia.

"He's probably been here for hours now (Y/N), why do you ask?"

"I need to tag up with him about the script, I'm not sure about this whole 'talking' thing Derek wants me to do." You make up something on the spot, trying to not bring up the multi-millionaire standing not 10 feet from you. After all, maybe he wasn't trying to be recognized.

Katia looked around for a second and nodded her head over to the craft area.

"Looks like he's grabbing coffee so now would be a good time to grab those 30 seconds, he won't have many more free moments today" she said.

You mumbled your thanks and fast stepped it over to the food tables and grabbed Derek's attention while he was trying to gulp down his coffee without burning his tongue.

"Hey Derek, got a question for you my dude"

Derek smiled at you as he heard your voice.

"(Y/N) you're the only person on the planet still using dude, I swear. What's up girl? Katia driving you nuts already?"

"Derek, dude is a very nice gender-neutral pronoun! How can you say that!" You joke before turning serious. "Do you know if you have any serious VIPS on set today? I normally wouldn't ask, you know that, but I think you do..." as you trail off your use your eyes to gesture back towards Yoongi.

Derek turned serious as well.

Derek lowered his voice to respond. "You know I normally wouldn't disclose that but, yea actually we do today and for a while yet. He's here to play a small role that was written specifically for him for this film. How did you know?"

You lowered your voice as well. "Derek, he's a multi-millionaire super star celebrity in his own country, but here he has no assistant, no entourage, no trailer, and not even a freaking chair? Something is seriously fishy."

Derek glanced over at Yoongi's back. As you both watched, Yoongi was starting to do the foot-to-foot shuffle anyone who has been cold and has been standing too long is familiar with.

"Yea I don't speak Korean, so I didn't do his meet and greet, but I did catch his uh.... Well I guess she must have been his assistant? She picked up his trailer keys yesterday, but I haven't seen her on set this morning at all."

Oh yea, that didn't sound every single alarm bell you had. Totally not suspicious, at all.


"Derek you know I know some Korean, would you object to me talking to him? Does that break any NDA's or anything?"

Derek turned back to look at you fully before a giant smile lit up his face.

"(Y/N)! Are you fangirling right now?"

You could hide neither your bright red blushing face or your stammer as you replied to Derek. "Of course I am," and you rolled your eyes at Derek's mega grin, "but I'm also kind of concerned that he's just over there chillaxing without well... anybody. That doesn't seem right at all. I've been a fan of his and his brother's music for over a decade Derek, and they're always mobbed when they go in public. It's literally not safe for him to be here under his own name by himself."

Derek slowed his grin and started nodding as you were talking.

"I agree. I'm going to go try to figure out what's up with his "assistant" and his trailer, if you work your Korean magic and go talk to him. Gently (Y/N), I don't want you to just stand there and drool on him or something.

"Derek! I'm thirty-four, not fourteen! I can behave as professionally as the next person."

You are positive your cheeks are neon red from the blushing as Derek teases you but the need to help Yoongi drives you past your embarrassment at being called out as a fangirl at your age.

Derek nods his agreement and pats you on your head.

"I know (Y/N) and I trust you to take care of this. Katia would just be screaming if her idol was here, but I know I can count on you to keep a level head and be professional. I'll text you as soon as I find out something about the 'assistant'" and with that Derek takes off to go figure out his next steps, leaving you behind to figure out yours.

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