//chapter .23//

22 3 129

It's kinda funny how easily time blurs together when you're stuck in a place like the bunker, with no real distinctions of the passing days and nights, only exhaustion tugging you into sleep, and blind trust in the clocks on their wrists.

It said two. Juno squinted at the screen, rubbed his eyes, them stared at it once more, as if that would change the numbers. Was this supposed to be two in the afternoon? Morning? Was this a normal time for the human body to be awake and functioning, or had he jacked up his sleep schedule so badly it had completely flip flopped when it was acceptable to be roaming the halls?

The common room was quiet as Juno tucked the blanket around him tighter as he huddled in an armchair, still staring at his wrist as if that little screen held all of the answers. It probably did, if they were ever to try and crack it. Not that any of them were hackers, but it was slightly concerning to him that a small, stupid idea could give him even a sliver of hope.

These halls were not a place for hope. Not with their bone pale walls, their eerie silence, thick and sullen, the lack of any noise drifting through the dimmed light like fog.

Juno sighed and leaned back against the chair, brow furrowed as he closed his eyes, feeling the silence creeping, always creeping, like a small, lost animal.


Panic stopped his lungs. Juno lurched forward, out of the chair, bleary eyes turning the world into smudged shapes as he crashed forward, only to have his momentum halted, a hand gripping at the fabric of his shirt, the collar pulling hard against his skin. Slowly, he was dropped.

When Juno looked up, Veronica was standing over him, a blank look on her face as she stared down at his weary body on the floor. They uremained silent, neither willing to make the first move, the first noise.

Veronica shoved her hands in her pockets and turned away. Juno sucked in a quick breath then pushed himself up, using the armchair to steady him. "Wait!" Veronica turned, eyes narrowing. The small action set Juno on edge, and he leaned backwards, feet shuffling, eyes darting to the ground. "You really don't have to leave," he said slowly, checking to make sure he wouldn't pass out before walking away. "I can even leave, if you want this place to yourself."

That blank look remained on her face. And yet... a slight frown tugged on Juno's face as he studied the older teen. The blankness that was pulled over her features was, just barely, masking a certain hollowness. And empty sort of fear. Juno knew that look.

"It's fine." The words were short and clipped, barely lingering in the air long enough to be heard.

Juno shook his head, shifting his weight from one side to the other. "V, I've been around girls enough to know that "fine" does not mean fine. Just sit down already."

When Veronica still did not make her away across the room, or even shift her expression to something more alive, Juno sighed. "Besides, I need someone's help with something. Just... relax a minute. I'll be right back."

Juno slipped away to the bookshelf that had the kitchen, cursing the creator of this trap once more as he tried to remember which panel held the hidden door, and what button to press. The wood gave underneath his finger, a click, and the bookshelf sighed as a crack of light showed itself.

His socked feet made small shuffling sounds as Juno worked through the kitchen, his thoughts spilling away as his hands found their tasks. Veronica had been acting so strange since returning from the emergency visit, even though it had been over a week. Her normal vehemence and abrasive attitude had dulled into something sullen, refusing to talk with anyone.

It scared him, to see the group splintering. He wasn't one to make friends with complete strangers, yet surely they could see that they had to stick together in this situation? Sheltering themselves alone was doing nothing, but if they actually tried to work as one, they might accomplish something? He would have to talk to Corben about it in the morning.

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