//chapter .08//

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Corben spun when he heard the light thunk in, and his breath crashed out of him when he saw Maylea. "Maylea!" He palms hit hard against the thick glass, and he could see her, there on the floor, groaning from the fall. "Maylea!"

She lifted her head to look around, and her gaze caught Corben's, eyes still red from the tears she had spent.

Corben's skin tingled, and the sense of something wrong was screaming in his head. Maylea pushed herself up to her feet, and splayed out her hand on the glass, eyes filling with tears again.

"I'm gonna get you out!" Corben promised, touching his own hand to the glass, so that it mirrored Maylea on the other side. "Just give me a minute!"

A hiss. A click. The sound of water...

Maylea whipped around and gasped sharply, her heart stopping as she stared at the water that started to bubble in from the side. No no no no no she had to get out SHE HAD TO GET OUT. Panic flared deep in her gut and she couldn't breathe and the sound of the water was deafening and it was already covering her feet and Corben was yelling something at her but everything felt like she was already underwater and the world was getting blurry and...


The scene snapped back into focus, all her senses tingling as clarity fought against the panic. And Corben-

He was pressed against the glass, fear in his eyes as he yelled, the sound nearly drowned out by the roaring of the water as it fell, fell, fell, filling the glass box. Up to her calves, up to her knees, she could feel the fuzziness creeping back into her vision.

"Maylea? Maylea! Stay with me now!" Corben pounded on the glass, and she forced herself to turn and look at him. "Just hold on, ok? I'm gonna- I'm gonna find a way- I just-" his fingers chased through his hair. "Just stay above the water!"

Stay above the water. Maylea could do that. She could do that, right? The world dulled down to the roaring of water, but she clung to those words like a life preserver. Stay above the water. It was at her hips.

Chills ran all across her body at the coolness of it, and her clothing felt both heavy and lightweight as the water climbed higher and higher.

Corben was somewhere. The room was too dark to see beyond the shining light exposing every drip and dip of water that was quickly filling the glass box, her watery grave.

Her chest. The sound of the water dulled, and it glided up silently up her skin. She could feel herself starting to float as it climbed up to her shoulders.

The clarity of it all faded and faded until all she knew was the icy fingers of the water holding her captive, thrusting her ever closer towards the blinding white.

Her lungs captured a breath, and she slid into the darkness.

The light went out.


The computer clicked off, and the square of light from the hallway dissapeared, leaving Avery and Kai blind to their surroundings.

Kai reached out and clutched Avery's arm. "Ok, so, don't panic?" She whispered, trying sucking in deep breaths.

Avery patted Kai's hand, his own voice trembling. "Yep. Nothing at all to worry about. Just the fact that all of the lights went out and we can't see anything and also that we've been kidnapped and honestly Kai how have none of us had a breakdown yet?!"

Kai got up from her chair, still taking those deep breaths. "Uh, I guess we've just been too busy?"

Avery gave a breathy laugh. "Y-yeah. Just way too busy to have a panic attack or anything. This is fine we're fine I'm fine."

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