//chapter .02//

91 11 123

Corben Backstory

Juno grabbed Corben's arm and pulled his closer, voice low. "Spill. Now."

Corben brushed his hand off and rolled his eyes, before speaking in a hoarse whisper. "She and my sister used to be best friends..."

Across the room, Maylea spilled out how she knew Corben. "I had a crush on him ever since I was like... seven. His sister and I were best friends, and I saw him all of the time, but only ever knew him as this mysterious brother."

"One time Eliza decided the two of them should go into our parent's room and try on everything. I tried to stop the girls, but instead I somehow got roped into wearing one of Father's old suits. I think I was twelve."

"Eliza made me where this white sundress or something. It kept falling off my shoulders. And then with all seriousness, Eliza said Corben and I were getting married."

"I don't think Maylea was quite as uncomfortable with that twist as I was, but how could I say no to my sister?"

"So Eliza put on a little ceremony right in the closet of their parent's room, and then-"

"The little brat told me to kiss Maylea. She said that the wedding had to be perfect, and then I could leave. So yeah, I kissed Maylea. On the cheek I mean, she was only nine, and I was twelve."

"I must have turned as red as a tomato when he kissed me. I don't think I moved for another five minutes after he left. Eliza had to shake me back into reality."

"There was a letter outside my door about a week later. That was the first of... many, I guess."

Veronica grabbed Maylea's shoulders. "Wait, you wrote love letters to him?"

Maylea shrugged. "I was nine and I thought he was cute. He actually wrote me one back." She shuffled her foot. "At least, I think he's the one who wrote it." She took a deep breath. "We moved right after that happened, and I never saw him again.

Juno stared at Corben. "You wrote back?" He exhaled quickly, running his fingers through his hair. "Dude, she's three years younger than you."

Corben crossed his arms. "It wasn't a love letter, idiot. It was to say thank you." His voice thickened, and he looked down. "My sister died not even a week before, and I found out her family was moving. I wanted to say thank you."

Maylea touched her cheek gently, a wistful smile on her face. "The last line of the letter said 'I'll remember the kiss.'"

Neither of them said anything more, and Charlie raised one hand. "So, do we get to find how you two know each other, or are going to keep whispering?"

Veronica shot a glare in his direction. "Oh shut up... whatever your name is."

"It's Charlie," the boy snapped back, irritation clear in his voice.

Kai touched his shoulder lightly. "I think we all need to calm down and introduce ourselves." She pressed a hand to her chest. "I'm Kai and I'm eighteen years old."

Corben scoffed. "This isn't a summer camp where we go around the room. Don't be dumb."

Avery chuckled. "Camp Kidnapped! Experience knockout gas, suspicious rules, and collapsing tunnels!"

There was a short laugh from someone in the room, but they stopped when the realized they were the only one amused.

Blair scanned the room. "Shouldn't we at least try and figure out what we all have in common, or something that could be a clue as to why we're here?"

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