



The next morning, I awoke later than usual to the sound of boisterous conversation. I stumbled down the stairs, sleepily, when I was greeted by the aroma of bacon and pancakes. "Morning papa" Alexis said running over to me excitedly and hugging my legs.

 "Good morning, sweetheart," I said with a grin as I picked her up.

 "Look who came" she exclaimed excitedly, directing my gaze to the kitchen.

Zaria was at the stove making the delicious smelling food and Zach was seated on the island stool alongside Enzo. My eyes widened as I looked at him. 

The one day I slept in. 

My thoughts started racing as I wondered whether he'd told them anything. "Good morning," Zaria said with a grin. 

"Liam you're up!" Zach exclaimed as I started walking toward the kitchen. 

Enzo turned to face me with a smile and hummed, "Good morning." I nodded and murmured a small morning to all of them walking over to the counter besides Zaria.

Zach pointed at Enzo and said, "You didn't tell me you had a new friend, and such a cool one." As I set Alexis down, Enzo nodded, causing me to raise an eyebrow. 

Much to my relief he didn't appear to have said anything to them.

 They resumed their conversation about a recent game, and Alexis exited the kitchen, claiming she needed to grab something from her room.

"They've been talking loudly about sports and cars like old friends," Zaria added, making me laugh.

 "Yea, that's what woke me up," I said as I poured myself a cup of coffee. 

I turned to listen to their chat as Zach said, "He could have made that throw, I'm telling you," and I turned to Zaria, knowing nothing about football.

"How long has he been here?" I inquired, concerned. 

"Hmm, about twenty minutes ago when I started cooking breakfast," she shrugged. "We didn't trust him at first, especially since he claimed to be your friend. Then when Alexis saw him. She excitedly run to hug him talking about how she's happy he could come"

 "Mhm," I said as I sipped from my drink. As I sat there watching them converse. "You know now that I think about it they are just the same person in slightly different fonts" I observed making them both turn to me confused and Zaria nodded in agreement.

"How did you two meet in the first place?" Zach spoke as he turned to face us. 

"Uhhhh" I looked at Enzo, who had a panicked and perplexed expression on his face.  It's not like we could tell them we slept together while we drunk. 

"At that café down the street," Enzo said, pointing to the café's general direction with his thumb and I silently sent him a thankful expression to which he just shrugged and smiled. 

"Ohhh, well why didn't you let us meet him till now?" Zach asked once again. 

"You were both out of the country at the time, and Alexis was on a play date," I shrugged. 

"Well, breakfast is ready." Zaria announced 

"Alexis come down for breakfast" I called getting no response.

"I'll go get her," Zach stated as he stood up and walked to the stairwell. 

"Here, let me help," Enzo said as he stood up and took the plate of pancakes from Zaria. 

Broken Walls ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora