Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: University Massacre

It was a horrible day to start.Every student both highschool and college were massacred.No one was left and the government basically didn't care about the school anymore. The parents who were waiting for their choice kids to go back home was now only a dream,And the parents who took their kids away before things took a shitty way was considered the lucky ones.

Right now,the few GT students were afraid to take a move, they're afraid to witness the bloody scene outside of the walls they're in.

But not him.

He knew he has the responsibility and it was time to avenge his brother who passed and his bestfriends who were killed without mercy.

Gulf Kanawut is a brave boy.He won't back down unless he is needed to.

He glanced from left to right as he was disgusted at the sight of the student's bodies.
He quickly run to the director's office where his father is hiding from both shame and coward ness.

He gritted his teeth in anger and clutched his 'specially made' gun behind his pants.

He opened the door only to reveal a guy hanging himself in a selfmade rope.It wqs wrapped around his neck tightly as he made no movements,the body was slowly rotting and smelling.

Gulf made no reaction as he pointed his gun to the dead body's head.His father's body.

He put his finger on the trigger as he teared up,"This is the fate you deserve.You can never hurt any of us anymore.This is our victory,our freedom we longed so many years ago.The dream we strive is finally coming true,"he stopped before chuckling hysterically.

He pulled the trigger as the bullet went through his father's head.

He dropped the gun and walked away from the scene,not forgetting to close the door.

Somehow,he was relieved that the problem between him and his father was now done.

Now, it's them and the whole ministry of the school.He sighed as he opened his phone,he was bombarded by nanon's messages and mew's ,he ignored everything and everyone on his sight as he proceed walking to the college unit where he accidentally met another student council just now,Luke Plowden.

Luke is made from Japan but moved to Thailand because of a student exchange program.He was accepted to the Student council because of his smartness.He was never a show off,he doesn't even interact to anyone but his friends but somehow,he appeared like a Casanova to gulf and everyone inside the college unit.

Both of them were not moving as luke smirked at the shorter who rolled his eyes before walking towards another direction.

"Kana!"He called as gulf stopped walking.He turned to face the older as they stared at each other.Luke blushed at the sudden atmosphere around them,he just couldn't deny that gulf is too beautiful.

"Be careful.Another batch of students were killed this morning.No one would like to see your beautiful face getting ruined now do you?"he teased gulf who raised his middle finger at him before running away.Luke laughed as he walked to the vending machine.

"You never changed kana, you're still avoiding me."he whispered to himself as he smiled irritatingly.

"I swear I'll make you mine again."


Choosing between His current and pass were never a good thing.

Just now,win was cornered between bright and joss who were fighting over him.He was so scared of what's already happening outside the classroom but these two buffoons are literally holding each other's collar! He couldn't do anything since his boyfriend told him to fuck off and just sit in the chair like a good boy.

His heart was beating so fast,he feels like something is about to happen but quickly ignored it.

These past days,no one could use their potential.It was like,they have swallowed a pill that prevents them to use their potential.

He glanced at the window where the sun strikes as he looked over bright and joss again.Both are playing sodoku and the winner takes win, According to joss.

Win facedpalmed,he doesn't want to be apart of their game anymore!He is not an object to win!

He frowned as he walked out of the room, silencing the two boys.


Mew on the other hand,was still sad.I mean,he just witnessed two people get shot days ago!He still can't move on from it,

He was still strolling in his Dorm,walking back and forth.

The confessing part still lingers in his mind.
The pain was still there.Nevertheless,he was willing to wait.

He sighed and looked over to his phone,it has no service so he can't really call anyone and he can't even  go outside the dorm now.

Other regular students that were staying here was killed by some armed mens,he was like, traumatized for the past days.

He can't really think with all that screaming,

But he do misses gulf.

So much that he is willing to kill anyone just to make him stay.

Sorry for the late update,my sister's birthday is near so we have alot of preparations to do.

Again,please don't be a silent reader.Feel free to comment some mistakes i made,and please do vote this story.

After i finish it,i will proofread then edit it.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2021 ⏰

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