Chapter 16

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The school that was once admired by the students was now slowly shattering into pieces.
The hard work director Traipipattanapong did was slowly crumbling.Students are dying.People are complaining.

Police can't even help them!
A mere highschool and college students were the ones whose risking their lives just to save both themselves,the students and as well as the school.

The system ain't fair true.But,this is the school that they grew up with!Of course it's still special..

But now,now that the GT college squad are slowly falling apart,they down even know what to feel.

They just lost two friends! And now..three.

They watched how gulf tried to calm down after hearing that his younger brother passed away.
Bright noticed the small flash drive before getting it and walking to his dorm.

Gulf also walked out,not minding any voices who prevented him from coming to the hospital with nanon whose already sobbing.

Bright looked at the confused win before smiling at him, immediately reassuring the younger.

"Let's go win"

"What do you mean you lost him!?"harsh yells was heard in a certain room as gulf repeatedly punch his father's chest.

"This is all your fucking fault! You hear me!?"gulf sobbed as his father didn't say anything anymore and just let his eldest son hit him.

He couldn't even say sorry to them without feeling ashamed!

Nanon on the other hand,was comforting Jj whose staring into nothing.

He feels like his other half was gone.. There's no one who'll understand him the most anymore,aj won't be there to play games with him anymore, even though he still has his two supportive just doesn't feel like the same.

"Jj, it's time to let him go..I know it's hard for us, especially you..but we have to go and move on now..okay?"nanon ruffled his brother's hair but the latter just got a nod in response.

He sighed before pulling the younger in a tight but comfortable hug,He can feel his shoulder gets wet second by second.He himself is tearing up, everyone is so stress. Three of the gifted students got killed and one of them being a Traipipattanapong!Once they found out whose doing this,they will make him/her,they/them pay.

Meanwhile gulf,
He was still not done blaming his clueless father who tried to explain everything to him but fails.

"If it weren't for your selfish acts Aj,P'sing and P'krist would still be alive right now!"gulf yelled as his father hugged his frame.

In disgust,he pulled away, slapping his father's cheeks so hard it almost bleed,"How dare you out your hands on me!"He uttered in disgust,his father looked down before sucking the air,"Look son,this isn't me alright?I may be disgusting,a rapist,an irresponsible father and a bad director but i will never kill a child! Especially my own child!"his father explained as he looked down,"You already did.You didn't kill us physically but mentally.Have you even cared about our feelings?You make too much enemies and look at your children getting in-between it!"he cried as his father teared up silently,

"I was ordered.I was ordered to be like this..or else they will take my hardwork and kill me!"The director said as gulf scoffed,"You care too much about power than your own children."he said whilst grabbing his backpack.

The sudden death of his younger brother was too much for him already! Especially when they lost two important companions!

"You did it or not, it's all your fault."

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