Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It was a silent night between off and mew,both are playing games on their TV so much that they forgot that tomorrow is the exam to know if you fit into the G&T program or the lowest of them all.

Mew suddenly lost his concentration when gulf came into his mind.He put down his controller before facing off whose also obviously distracted from the incident earlier at the classroom.

"Off.. don't you think they run the system here is abit unfair..?"mew whispered as off looked at him as if mew just readed his mind.

"Dude! I was thinking the same thing! I didn't know you actually have braincells!"off said as mew smacked the back of his head.

"Asshole!"both of them laughed at their old antics as off picked up a paper and pen,"Wanna battle?"he smirked at mew who smirked back,"It's between geometry and periodic table this time,i won last time we compete jerk!"mew said as off whined."Dude! You know im bad at that shit! You just added a science branch on it!"

"No complaining monkey."



Meanwhile Win and Gulf,

"P' can i switch dorms with P' top?"win said while doing a push-up,He looked at gulf whose busy hacking gun's computer just so he can blackmail him if gun puts a fight on him on food.

"Win.I thought you wanted to room with Bright?Have you changed your mind on that playboy?"just when gulf mentioned bright's name,a bright blush formed in win's cheeks and ears. "Well..he's on the collage and THINHS is a bit far from THINC"(Thailand international highschool- Thailand international collage. Same campus but different names)

"Well atleast you're not fucking like P' earth and mix."gulf sighed when he finally finished putting the code gun left on his locker.

"Seriously,P'gun is so dumb for leaving the code to his laptop on his locker."win said as he looked over to gulf.

Gulf stood up while looking at win,"Im hungry..The cafeteria isn't close yet,wanna come?"he told win who sheepishly smiled showing his cute dimples to gulf who giggled at his cuteness.

"Alright, I'll wait for you at our table."without waiting for win's reply,gulf already went out.

It's 7:47 P.M already and all students must eat until 9pm or else they won't have anything left.

Since gun will not come along,
he,tay,win,earth,mix,top and boun will eat at the cafeteria.

No one has saw Fluke since the morning assembly so he's probably dozing his ass on the cooking club.

Gulf rolled his eyes when he saw a guy trying to picture what's under his shorts.Now he regrets wearing shorts, people will sexualize him again!
Nobody literally cares so he lets them be,as long as they don't rape him or shares his photos to anyone.

He has access on that.

Top is a great hacker, he'll do what you want if you buy him snacks.

He dropped his phone when a small boy in hoodie bump into him,the boy didn't bother to say sorry.Gulf was about to say something but when he noticed the tears in his eyes,he just bit his tounge.He looked back to see a rather familiar face chasing the small boy.

"Chimon! Chimon! I'm sorry please come back!"It was nanon! His younger brother.

He frowned when his brother ran passed him without even greeting him, that's a first!

He looked at nanon with a confused look on his face.

Nanon noticed his brother and decided to walk back where he passed his brother.He needed to talk now or else he'll get an earful later.

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