Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

It was another peaceful week as the school was yet again getting busy for the director's birthday.It was a big event that every Students,staffs, teachers and ministry are able to join.

While the teachers and the staff were busy decorating the main Gymnasium of the campus,they sent both college and highschool student inspectors to check on their classmates.

Bright,mike,gunsmile,lee and arm were the college student inspectors as for the highschool it's Nanon,frank,oab,kao and drake.

These boys joined forces so everyone can be checked,making sure there aren't no rebelling students.

As for the student council,they are currently helping the staffs to decorate the gym.

And the GT students? Oh boy they're planning on sabotaging the director's birthday again as always! And This time,everyone is involved.

We have Mix to hack the system,we have gun and gulf to build the signal and we have the others building a bomb.

Since earth is the most capable of that work,he decided to make off and mew only to help him as they're the only bulky ones there.

The others can just sit still and look pretty.

Tawan sighed as he kept looking at his phone.
Win noticed the older before smiling teasingly at him,tawan raised an eyebrow at him before hiding his phone.

"W-what?"tay stuttered as win made a teasing sound,"Oho~ Do you finally have a lover P'?"he teased as tay's ears became red as a cherry,"W-what the hell? No way.I dislike love.."he whispered but stood up quickly when his phone vibrated.

Win snickered and folded his legs,"No lover huh?"he started giggling silently making gun looked at him weirdly,

"This child is going crazy.."gun whispered at mix whose connecting the laptop to the large projector at the gym.

"He's always crazy,Get used to it little man."mix laughed hard with the boyz(🤣)

"Come on, don't tease him!"gulf sighed out and went to mew to give him water making gun's eyes widened.

He smirked and elbowed mix who was about to slap him but stopped when he saw gulf wiping mew's hand with a handkerchief.

They both looked at each before smirking,

"Since when did the Cold head student got close to a newbie?~"gun teased as they all looked at gulf whose already blushing hard.

He tried to avoid any eye contact as mew just smiled at them,"We're friends."mew said as gun nodded his head totally unconvinced,"Yeah friends~"he said before going back to the wires.

Mew looked down to see gulf clenching the handkerchief in his hands.Mew didn't know what to feel..Maybe he's only irritated at gun,he somehow likes me right..?,mew thought as he just continued to work.

As for gulf, butterflies filled his stomach as he tried hard to deny the feelings he was having.He should not love get over his head and ruin the plan he was planning the first time he got into the campus.

He sighed before getting up so he can go check up on the twins and his inlove brother.

"I'll go check on my babies first okay? You guys just continue,if something bad happens don't forget to call me okay? And if-"

"Gulf.We know okay? You're releasing your mom vibes again!"earth said as gulf stopped.He nodded smiling at them,"Im just worried about you guys.."he replied as gun snickered,"Worried about us or...worried about that~~~ guy?"gun suddenly pointed at mew who was laughing with off about something.

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