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Trigger warning for this chapter Mentions or overdose ————————————————-

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Trigger warning for this chapter
Mentions or overdose

I was boarding the plane ready to come home when I got a call from Apollo I panicked seeing his name pop up on my phone because he only called for emergencies.


"Alessandro you need to come to the hospital right now it's Maeve" he said quackity and once Maeve's voice came up I motioned to my dad to get the people flying the plane to hurry up and get us home as quickly as they can.

"What happened"

"I don't know we were as school and she came to us looking panicked when I asked her what happened she held up a bottle of pills and it was empty the last thing she said before passing out was I don't want to die yet we brought her to the hospital and the doctors said it was an overdose...Alessandro she tried to kill her self" he said and I felt my heart drop.

'Maeve tried to kill herself' I thought I've and over again and I asked him how she was doing he told me she was stable but I have to get over there as soon as possible and without another word I hung up.

"What happened Alessandro did something happen to Maeve is she ok" it made me happy that Maeve and I aren't together yet my dad hasn't stopped asking about her since he met her it's cute.

"Something happened we have to get home fast" was all I said while looking at the ground trying to think of why I feel so bad for her.

"Marco said he'll get us there as soon as possible"

As soon as possible wasn't soon enough I needed to get to her fast but I also have to be patient and calm myself because I can't have Maeve seeing me panicked I don't want to cause her anymore pain or worry.

Marco kept his promise and got us home quicker that I expected and as soon as we were cleared to get off the plane I ran to my car and I took off to the hospital.

Once I got there I ran to the desk where a lady was standing she told me what room to go to so I did once I got up to her room I walked in quietly making sure not to scared her, her and Apollo were hugging but it didn't bother me in this moment the only thing that mattered was her.

Apollo told her he was the one who called me and then stepped out of the room and once he did I rushed to her side "mi amor I'm so sorry for not calling or making contact" I told her.

"It's ok Alessandro I understand" she said but I still felt terrible for leaving her, I was going to ask her something but the doctor walked in and asked me to step out but Maeve held onto my arm and said she wanted me to stay which made me smile. The doctor let out a sigh realizing I wasn't going to leave so he just looked down at the papers in his hands.

"While one of the nurses was changing you into your gown she took notice of big cuts , scars, and bruises now we wanted to ask you is that from self harm or something else"

When those words left his mouth my blood began to boil I had never felt this much anger in years and that fact that the doctor looked at me when he asked her if they were from something else didn't make it better I would never do anything to hurt Maeve I would protected her with my life.

She then explained to him that it wasn't me and that it was from cheer but that's bullshit someone has to be doing that to her then soon the doctor left and I asked her who it was.

"Maeve who's hurting you"

"No one Alessandro you heard what I told the doctor" she said so low that I almost didn't hear her.

"Maeve who"

"No one"

"Damn it Maeve this isn't a joke!" I said a little too loud making her flinch and I instantly regretted raising my voice at her "I'm sorry Maeve please tell me I want to help you" I said calmly.

"My father"

I instantly felt my heart drop how could someone be so cruel as to hurt their own child, I sat down in the chair next to her bed and held her hand "oh god Maeve how long" I asked.


She said and I squeezed her hand again feeling the anger rise all over also taking notice that her eyes began to water and the last thing I wanted was for her to cry or to ever feel pain again.

"Is that why" I asked sadly even though I was afraid of what the answer would be but she nodded.

"Maeve I'm so sorry I didn't notice before"

"You couldn't have known" she said but I could I could've know it's my job to basically know things like this I kill people who do this for gods sake who could I have let the one person I feel for get hurt.

'I feel for'
'I feel for'
'I feel for'

That repeated in my head do I really have feelings for this girl that I've know for a couple of months I know it's only been such a short amount of time but I've learn so many things from this small girl and I've learn to appreciate everything I have because of her.

I do feel something for her.


Hiii lovelies I was out for a while because of school but I'm back now and I'll be writing as much as I can I love you all and thank you for the support it means so much to me :)))

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